Podcast - Phil Steele

If coach Ferentz could get half the talent that Saban gets lookout, Im not saying this because im a diehard Iowa fan but I really believe that coach Ferentz is one of the best coaches in the college gm. He does pretty good every yr with a lot less talent than most other programs. That's why he has been offered job after job since he's been at Iowa. What does everyone else think?

I use to think this was the case, but not anymore. KF has plenty of downfalls as well.
Saban's days at MSU and Miami (NFL) prove one thing: on a level playing field, he is just as average as any other guy on a level playing field. On a skewed playing field, he "wins the games he should". And while he may not lose to a directional Michigan, I can't see KF-coached team giving up a Kick 6 in your final regular season game with the CCG/BCS CG on the line.But maybe that's just me...
So you don't think that Iowa is capable of losing a big game on a fluke play? You're right, he would just sit on the ball and lose in overtime. The major difference between KF and Saban is that Kirk would never in million years find himself in the position to even play for something of that type of significance. Saban >>>>>>>Kurt.
So you don't think that Iowa is capable of losing a big game on a fluke play? You're right, he would just sit on the ball and lose in overtime. The major difference between KF and Saban is that Kirk would never in million years find himself in the position to even play for something of that type of significance. Saban >>>>>>>Kurt.

Who is Kurt? In any case yes, Alabama has a better coach, better players, better tradition, nicer campus and, allegedly, prettier coeds. You really should go to grad school there and become a fan.
So you don't think that Iowa is capable of losing a big game on a fluke play? You're right, he would just sit on the ball and lose in overtime. The major difference between KF and Saban is that Kirk would never in million years find himself in the position to even play for something of that type of significance. Saban >>>>>>>Kurt.

You don't even try to hide that you are an alt. I am setting the over/under at 3 days until you get the hammer.
You don't even try to hide that you are an alt. I am setting the over/under at 3 days until you get the hammer.


I'm not sure why the d!pshit alts keep coming?? It is the same old crap, they identify themselves in about 10 post, with the same old sh!t they did/do, time, and time, and time again.
I'm not sure why the d!pshit alts keep coming?? It is the same old crap, they identify themselves in about 10 post, with the same old sh!t they did/do, time, and time, and time again.

Trolls return because people respond to them. If everyone ignored the trolls, they'd have no one to troll.
Trolls return because people respond to them. If everyone ignored the trolls, they'd have no one to troll.

I agree with some of them ***cough***cough*** El Ghosto. Others like TylerSash/HawksRule98 are just d!cks really.
Have you been paying attention to Iowa special teams the last 5 years?

Iowa is the team that seemed to never be able to stop a fake punt or recover an onside kick. Special teams helped Iowa lose the arizona 2010 game, wisconsin 2010 game, Minnesota 2010 and 2011. CMU 2012, etc.

Well, Iowa DID snuff the fake punt against Nebraska last year and it was a play that completely changed that game. Iowa DID recover the on-side kick that mattered in the Iowa State game. Ferentz did the job in both games last year. Maybe KARMA has changed....or maybe Iowa is doing a better job on special teams?
Are you stalking me? Anyone else have ICHAWK24 following them around? So you think a guy who has been around two years and never played is better than a guy that's been around four years and never really played. Granted McCarron was in the system, but you still have to learn to read defenses and understand what teams are trying to do to you defensively. I'll take four years especially given the fact that FSU has a more sophisticated passing attack and throws the ball more than Alabama. So, what you are telling me is that Saban, knowing he has a QB on his team now that has held a clipboard for two years, still pursued and signed the guy with four years experience from Florida State...and he's projected to be the starter. I guess that kind of shoots your logic all to hell doesn't it.

Learn the damn game, ICHawk.

Yes, I believe he's been busting my balls too. Not too sure though because I don't devote a lot of time to knowing too much about who people are, but yeah, I think he's been harassing me a bit too
Yes, I believe he's been busting my balls too. Not too sure though because I don't devote a lot of time to knowing too much about who people are, but yeah, I think he's been harassing me a bit too

Yeah, he follows you around then comes at you like he's your wife or something...totally emotional without any logic to what he's saying. It's frightening how similar it is to arguments I have at peak intervals at home. My instinct is to just agree and placate him, but since I'm not getting any of the incidentals, I pretty much tell him to FO. He may have a penis, but I'm betting he has boobs also. If Paul Harvey were still alive, he'd be telling the rest of his story for about 6 weeks of air time.

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