Pod with AHC Seth Wallace, and I guess I am getting excited for football


Well-Known Member
IDK about you guys, but I am feeling pretty hyped this morning. I looked down at my phone from mowing the lawn this morning and realized it's August.

Cool pod with Seth Wallace, those of you old dudes with sensitivities to foul language might want to skip.


How do you guys feel about him being the next head coach here?
I know it'll freak out HN, but I think Tim Lester will be the in-house candidate. Seth doesn't have the experience and for some reason Levar doesn't seem to have any backing from the AD on down.
How do you guys feel about him being the next head coach here?
He won't be the next head coach. I have it on good authority that the only reason Saban retired from 'Bama was because he knew KF was going to hang it up in the next couple years, and he wanted to make sure he was available for his dream job at Iowa.

Source: the voices in my head after eating that weird mushroom that was growing in the yard...
He was fine. Not the most inspiring coach I have listened to, but he also seemed down to Earth. He clearly knows football and has had a successful room for a while now.
Cool football dude honestly, I didn't know much about him prior to this interview. I think it will be an the next HC will come from a primarily offensive background, though.
Timing is everything... What's KF plan? Does he even have one? His leaving will be on his terms it looks like unless the program just craters in the next yr or so. And that doesn't seem likely. And beyond a yr or two who the hell knows what all could go on in these guys lives. Woods will have a kid playing here. Maybe Parker retires before KF (unlikely) Maybe Wallace gets an offer he can't refuse to leave before KF steps down. The ifs and butts are off the charts. My guess is all of our best guesses won't be what ends up happening.
Timing is everything... What's KF plan? Does he even have one? His leaving will be on his terms it looks like unless the program just craters in the next yr or so. And that doesn't seem likely. And beyond a yr or two who the hell knows what all could go on in these guys lives. Woods will have a kid playing here. Maybe Parker retires before KF (unlikely) Maybe Wallace gets an offer he can't refuse to leave before KF steps down. The ifs and butts are off the charts. My guess is all of our best guesses won't be what ends up happening.
I keep wondering if Kirk has any particular positive "retirement-inducing event" in mind; say the Hawks can put together a playoff run in the next few years (This year has as good a chance as any if the team is relatively healthy) and/or win an outright B1G title. I'd think he would also want a clear succession in place in any event.
I know everybody insists Parker does not want the job, but I still would like to see Phil Parker be the next Head Coach, and then make Seth Wallace the new DC. If Lester works out as the OC under Ferentz, then Parker can keep Lester as his own OC.
If KF hangs them up soon, and the staff can be largely kept in place with an internal hire, I would vote to keep Parker as the DC. If it aint broke.... Parker is not only a great coach in developing individual players in the secondary and elsewhere on the D, he has proven he knows how to effectively call defenses. I don't know that Wallace has that same skill, and I would prefer not to find out about it.

The truth is that while the HC sets the tone for the program and influences the flow of the games, the OC and DC are the main drivers of wins and losses. Football is such a different sport. On every play, the OC and DC each call a play and they literally have hundreds of variables that go into each play call. Calling plays should not be underestimated. Parker best serves this program right where he is.
I keep wondering if Kirk has any particular positive "retirement-inducing event" in mind; say the Hawks can put together a playoff run in the next few years (This year has as good a chance as any if the team is relatively healthy) and/or win an outright B1G title. I'd think he would also want a clear succession in place in any event.
I doubt KF has an event in his mind that would dictate retirement. I believe he really is a year to year guy who focuses on the day in front of him. But if this team lives up to potential and sneaks into the playoffs, he should go out on top. Iowa loses a lot after this season and the schedule gets tougher. This will be the most talented and veteran team KF is likely to have before he retires. Let's hope they come together and give KF that choice.
I keep wondering if Kirk has any particular positive "retirement-inducing event" in mind; say the Hawks can put together a playoff run in the next few years (This year has as good a chance as any if the team is relatively healthy) and/or win an outright B1G title. I'd think he would also want a clear succession in place in any event.
Who's to say if KFs 'plan' for a succession of himself is even a thing now. Or ever was. Maybe had Barta still been around that woulda been apt to be a thing but with Goetz I lean towards I doubt it.. Now she was all in on Jensen replacing Bluder as seamlessly as that ended up being. Football is a different animal as we all know. It's just hard to say. She didn't hesitate much to do the hard thing and tell BF he's done in the middle of the season no less. So I don't know how far KFs wishes towards who he'd want replacing himself would go with her.

Make no mistake who replaces KF will be a Goetz decision. She's pretty young and wants to make an imprint on her tenure and this will be it. She's going to want to get it right. Most ADs don't get to hire two football HCs. And in the next 3 yrs or so (maybe less maybe more) she'll be replacing KF, Fran and she just did Bluder. Not to mention I don't think Heller will be around much longer either. Hopefully the Brands boys will but who knows. Point being she's got her hands full and she knows. it.
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Who's to say if KFs 'plan' for a succession of himself is even a thing now. Or ever was. Maybe had Barta still been around that woulda been apt to be a thing but with Goetz I lean towards I doubt it.. Now she was all in on Jensen replacing Bluder as seamlessly as that ended up being. Football is a different animal as we all know. It's just hard to say. She didn't hesitate much to do the hard thing and tell BF he's done in the middle of the season no less. So I don't know how far KFs wishes towards who he'd want replacing himself would go with her.

Make no mistake who replaces KF will be a Goetz decision. She's pretty young and wants to make an imprint on her tenure and this will be it. She's going to want to get it right. Most ADs don't get to hire two football HCs. And in the next 3 yrs or so (maybe less maybe more) she'll be replacing KF, Fran and she just did Bluder. Not to mention I don't think Heller will be around much longer either. Hopefully the Brands boys will but who knows. Point being she's got her hands full and she knows. it.
It will be her decision, but that is not to say that circumstances will not force her hand. Let's say that Iowa somehow pulls off 11 wins and gets into the playoffs, maybe even wins a game. KF announces his retirement, states that he fully endorses Wallace to succeed him, and further states that the entire remaining staff also supports the hire and intends to stay. Now, by law Beth has to post the opening and I am sure there are some hoops to jump through. She might even quietly kick the tires on a few higher profile names, but she would be very hard pressed not to keep the gang together and elevate KF's choice.

But, I agree that she will make her own decision, unlike Barta who would have done whatever KF told him to do.
I'll only speak for myself, but I never said KF was naming his successor. I said SW is the person it appears KF would like to succeed him. Who knows how BG will handle the hire.

Hayden influenced the KF hire. I don't know how much. And I don't know how much say KF will have in naming the next guy.
KF absolutely has earned the right to have a voice in who succeeds him. How influential that voice will be likely depends upon the manner of his departure. Most coaches don't leave on top. If he does, and the cupboard is left full from a coaching and player perspective, BG should be inclined to elevate from within. In such case, Woods should also get a look.

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