Please, IU is not Indy

Actually, I have to agree with the thread starter. I grew up in Missouri (obviously my name gives it away), and my family are Mizzou fans, and I can tell you that Nebraska has NEVER been referred to as "Nebby", by anyone in Nebraska, the Big Eight or Twelve. Similarly, Indy is not Indiana University.
Actually, I have to agree with the thread starter. I grew up in Missouri (obviously my name gives it away), and my family are Mizzou fans, and I can tell you that Nebraska has NEVER been referred to as "Nebby", by anyone in Nebraska, the Big Eight or Twelve. Similarly, Indy is not Indiana University.

HMMM you hear that Hawkeyenation Mizzou fan and Indiana fan say not to call them Nebbie or Indy......Done deal thanks for clearing that up guys.

If we let Mizzou join the big ten is it cool we call em that???
HMMM you hear that Hawkeyenation Mizzou fan and Indiana fan say not to call them Nebbie or Indy......Done deal thanks for clearing that up guys.

If we let Mizzou join the big ten is it cool we call em that???

Is Mizzou ....Mindy?

The Abbreviated University/State/City Name Police...

Is that anything like SCMDOS; State, County, Municipal, Data, Offender System? Elwood might know.

For the record, I don't mean to offend any regional group, but I too refer to IU when talking BigTen football or BBall as "Indy". Otherwise, if just a generic conversation, than I refer to them as Indiana. Same goes for jNW, or tOSU and Wisky, MSU is preferred over Sparty because it is easier to type, Nebby just seems right, and I've never had to refer or write about MO or Minnisooota. Purdue is sometimes Perdue and Illi is Univ of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (although some may think I'm referring to Univ of Ill at Springfield or Chicago). And, well Meeshigan should be self explanatory, but is U of M at Ann Arbor.
I guess I won't be going to Indi any time soon and saying "Indi" because they'll think I'm referring to the Indianapolis Peyton Mannings even though I wouldn't refer to Indiana University as Indi in that scenario because Iowa is no longer playing Indiana and I would have no occasion to bring it up. God knows how many IU fans on "" were confused Saturday because they didn't understand that in this context Indi referred to Indiana U as opposed to Indianapolis. Sorry to any Hoosiers out there for any future references that refer to IU as Indi in the context of Iowa Football that might confuse you because it's not proper Indi lingo.

Sarcasm aside, it probably would make sense to refer to them as IU not Indi, but given the fact that it was for the weekend not a permanent thing, I don't think giving people grief over this because it's "not what is said" several hundred miles away is really necessary. Not too much interaction going on b/w us and Indiana that is causing people to lose sleep over from the confusion.

btw Indy: You got McNUTTT'd....
does anyone else find it funny that some posters will continue to use these nicknames they made up with the sole intention of "******* off the natives"

really dude?
I used to get called out for this by INDY fans years ago when the espn boards were still going. This is the same kind of crap that entices Ohio St fans to only refer to themselves as "TOSU" or Miami fans "The U". So I look at it this way: there are three schools in the big ten that begin with the letter of I. Instead of using something retarded and easily confused like "IU, UI, or UofI, etc"; I choose to use something we can all recognize, anyone with half a brain can figure it out without being a stupid purist and/or uptight enough to argue. Just because "they call it that, so everyone else must" doesn't hold any weight for me. That's like saying that everyone should jump off a cliff because it's the cool, hip thing to do, well no thanks. I personally don't like INDY all that much, so calling them INDY is probably about the nicest I can be.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go drop a Hoosier, my stomach is killing me.

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