Please Fran...please...


Well-Known Member
Play Murray more minutes...and play Patrick more minutes. I think the minutes may have to come from Connor...but you have to have guys that have some quick twitch in the game to keep balls alive on the glass and to get to loose well as be a legitimate scoring threat. I know Connor is a calming influence under pressure, plays good defense, and does some intangibles...but when you are struggling to can let them guard 4 with 5 guys.

I liked what Fran tried to do today by having Bohannon and Joe T on the floor together and allowing Bohannan to find space...but unfortunately...Joe didn't have his A game it didn't work well. It was the right idea though.

I think the real problem is that you have to have a guy like Murray on the floor...he brings things to the table that Connor and CJ can't. Rebounding, finishing, and shot blocking.
I could see why Murray didn't play more minutes today. It was way too physical and he's not strong enough yet. He's my favorite player on the team, but I understood him only getting 20 minutes today.
I could see why Murray didn't play more minutes today. It was way too physical and he's not strong enough yet. He's my favorite player on the team, but I understood him only getting 20 minutes today.

That’s just silly talk!! Today’s game wasn’t anymore physical than the game we played against Illinois in Champaign where MURRAY played 32 minutes most on the team that day. This was a game where Murray needed to match those minutes!!
Today’s game wasn’t anymore physical than the game we played against Illinois in Champaign where MURRAY played 32 minutes most on the team that day.
I completely agree with what you're saying. I was scratching my head as well. I'm just trying to come up with some answer for the OP, because there has to be a reason. I love seeing Murray on the floor as much as possible. As the OP said, there has to be a reason. The difference between the first game and this game is that we played a lot more man-to-man in the first game because we had Nunge to back up/help Garza. In this game, we struggled early with Garza 1-on-1 on Cockburn. Garza couldn't be too physical with him and risk getting into foul trouble. They went to the zone to help collapse on Cockburn. To me, it seemed Murray was struggling with help and recovering to his perimeter area. To me, it seemed that Wieskamp and Patrick (I can't believe I just typed Patrick) were playing it well. That's my explanation/guess.
and Perkins
Fran really needs to get this kid more minutes. He has grit and is willing to bang. Trade him off with CJF. If CJ is hot, ok, but if not, get TPerk in. Both are good defenders. We miss the points possibly by not having CJF in, but TPerk can find ways to score. Just a thought
I have to tell you...I had a vision yesterday, after Perkins blew by Curbelo on a break to finish at the rim. If Perkins can shoot...which he hasn't shown, but his high school film does...he's gonna be a beast in transition.

The vision was Ulis running the break and the lanes filled by Perkins, the Murray twins, and Patrick...flush city. The Murray's and Patrick are going to get alot stronger to handle the half court stuff...but man...these guys are going to be dynamic going to the hole in transition. Much like Weiskamp has done...these guys will get stronger and be able to handle the contact and physicality. The raw athleticism and talent is already there.

Fun times ahead...Jack Nunge get are the key to next season.
I don't understand why Fran wasn't doing the D switch for the O at the end of that game. The Perkins kid bothered Dusumno and Toussaint bothers everybody's PG. It took Fran a whole half to figure out you couldn't play Garza on him 1:1? C'mon Fran FFS do you not watch tape? Nunge out hurts against a team like Illinois because he can shot block too
We saw a brief taste of it yesterday.

Could we insert Ogendule for brief two or three possession spurts to give Garza a breather and protect him from fatigue fouls?

He seemed to bother Cockburn on one possession, then gave him a good foul on the second.

I know you would have to hide him on the offensive end but if Garza gets in serious foul trouble in this tournament...?
I like Perkins and he did have a nice game. But, we have also seen the moment be too big for him at times. CJ may not be lighting up the nets, but he is not making mistakes. He takes high percentage shots, plays very good defense, and is an excellent and smart passer.

I worry about giving serious minutes to any of the freshmen who have not been in the regular rotation this season. Its risky. But, it will be a gut call for Fran. Frankly, if the Top 8 guys are playing really well, he won't need to go deeper into the bench.
My god Ogendule is massive. He was every bit the match for Cockburn size wise. But yowza he looks like he needs a lot of work. He looked like Anthony 'Meat' Tuperello from Porky's II out there.

I like using him defensively at the end of the half. If we can get a minute or two of quality defense to give Garza a quick break and not risk a cheap foul, then Josh has played a role.

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