Play the coach: You are Brady Hoke

I would run it right up the middle. Our defense's strength is the LBs who cover space well. So, trying to get out and get away from them is a fool's errand. Go right at us and get a block on the LBs and get good yards. Our depth is poor so if they can get a big TOP advantage early then the 3 yard runs turn into 10 yard runs etc. Then, play-action over the top.
They've got some speedy players. I agree. Seems to me a good pass rush will be important.

This is what worries me. Teams have had success blitzing Michigan, but KF pointed out in his press conference that we do not blitz much and will need to get pressure with our front 4. I hope he is not that stubborn, that he won't stray from his comfort zone and exploit their obvious weakness.
This is what worries me. Teams have had success blitzing Michigan, but KF pointed out in his press conference that we do not blitz much and will need to get pressure with our front 4. I hope he is not that stubborn, that he won't stray from his comfort zone and exploit their obvious weakness.

Our defense has shown a lot of variability this year. Don't read much into Kirk's vanilla presser quotes.
The only way Michigan can score is if they can go up top because we are a little bit weak in the safety department. Hopefully, a robust wind and the cold will keep their deep attack grounded.
Just as Iowa starts to gain traction in the 4th quarter I clutch my left arm to fake a heart attack only to realize it's not a fake and die with the only people who cared about me standing over my lifeless corpse. Did I mention I evacuate my bowels as I lay dying?

Sorry if it was a little dark. Go Hawks!!! Suck it blue
For the first 2 weeks, I'd go modified Atkins... minimal carbs, no sugar. Lots of water with a mix of cardio and strength training. Then I'd gradually re-introduce whole grains back into my diet.

At some point I'd have an ENT look at my throat and see if acid reflux has anything to do with my weird-*** voice.
Lol. :D
Agreed, but KF also has 15 years of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, and not adjusting his game plan.

Excellent point! No one has ever brought this up before. Or, in other words, you are the leading candidate for dumbest post of the week. Congrats!
Excellent point! No one has ever brought this up before. Or, in other words, you are the leading candidate for dumbest post of the week. Congrats!

So if you read the entire thread, tell me where I am wrong. Michigan's OL is their weak link. They have struggled picking up the blitz. KF said himself that we don't blitz much, so we will have to get push from our front 4. This is a concern, as we are not exploiting their weakness. I am not someone who comes here and rips KF, but his track record of adjusting to take advantage of the other teams weakness is not great. This is a simple fact.

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit. Bring something to the conversation, or go back to your mom's basement. In other words, you are the dumbest poster of the week. Congrats!
So if you read the entire thread, tell me where I am wrong. Michigan's OL is their weak link. They have struggled picking up the blitz. KF said himself that we don't blitz much, so we will have to get push from our front 4. This is a concern, as we are not exploiting their weakness. I am not someone who comes here and rips KF, but his track record of adjusting to take advantage of the other teams weakness is not great. This is a simple fact.

Reading comprehension is obviously not your strong suit. Bring something to the conversation, or go back to your mom's basement. In other words, you are the dumbest posteor of the week. Congrats!
come on. What he said was we normally do not blitz, we have relied on the front four, which need to get better. He never said oh yeah i see where they seem to have a problem with the blitz, that was the question. Not the answer.
Breaking News: A blood test just confirmed that Ned is Hoke's Uncle. For Brady's sake, he better hope his offense does not go downstream and Gardner is as accurate as Reynolds with a bow and arrow.


Deliver a victory over big blue!
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Iowa's defense relies on opponents making mistakes. So:

-Play very conservative offense in order to limit mistakes
-Tell 98 not to be afraid to throw the ball away on 3rd downs and live with punting or fake punts if you want to get aggressive
-Don't be concerned with TOP, instead track the # of plays run. Run more plays than Iowa's offense and eventually you will wear down their defense
-Teams have been successful running on Iowa as the game progresses. Be patient with your run game. It will be there in the 4th quarter if you're not turning the ball over and wearing out your own defense.
Have all of you wanna be coaches that are saying Michigan should attack downfield by throwing the ball seen a forecast for Saturday?

Also, have you seen Michigan try to pass block the last few weeks?

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