Play the coach: You are Brady Hoke

Try a 2nd fake punt after the first one succeeds. Kirk won't expect a 2nd attempt, he's only used to one successful fake punt per game.
They've got some speedy players. I agree. Seems to me a good pass rush will be important.

Their O line has been a laughingstock, right? They had negative rushing yards two games in a row because they gave up so many sacks? So maybe we could have an effective pass rush while dropping a bunch of guys into coverage.
I'd wear short sleeves despite 20 degree weather. I'd refuse to wear a headset. I'd say "dang ohio" and "because we're michigan!!!" I'd eat lots of Krispy Kremes.

Throw through the middle before you eat it is how if I was Brady I would attack the Iowa defense.

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Force the LBs to cover WRs instead of blitzing and run a lot of deep patterns because the safeties will be out of position enough that it will work.
For the first 2 weeks, I'd go modified Atkins... minimal carbs, no sugar. Lots of water with a mix of cardio and strength training. Then I'd gradually re-introduce whole grains back into my diet.

At some point I'd have an ENT look at my throat and see if acid reflux has anything to do with my weird-*** voice.
Pass to WR about 5-7 yards. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Run 2 yards. Pass to WR 5-7 yards. Repeat.

Has anyone ever seen Iowa stop this? Nope, didn't think so. Not with the bend don't break and give the WR's a 10 yard cushion philosophy.
If I'm Hoke, I'm thinking my O-line sucks. My Defense statistically appears to be good, but only because we haven't played Ohio State, Wisconson or anyone offensively strong. I'm worried Iowa comes off a bye week rested while Michigan had to play 3 O.T's last week and that's three rugged games in a row. I'm worried Iowa has us circled as a payback game after last year. It's freaking cold in Iowa, I should have worn a coat. I just wanna go home.
Pass to WR about 5-7 yards. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Run 2 yards. Pass to WR 5-7 yards. Repeat.

Has anyone ever seen Iowa stop this? Nope, didn't think so. Not with the bend don't break and give the WR's a 10 yard cushion philosophy.

This has not been there this year, we no longer give the huge cushion. We did in the 2nd half of OSU game and it killed us. The tighter coverage is why we've been getting beat over the top, but still some people think we're giving a huge cushion. Pick your poison.