For all the flak (see what I did there) Fleck seems to take he does get the big picture... He gets that there's no short cuts to success at this level. Him referencing the other new coaches out there and their lack of early success shows that. His methods of recruiting now I suspect ( I could be totally wrong about this) with how he's sending a million offers out to kids is just temporary until he can get established and then he'd rather do things more similarly as what Iowa has always done. It's just his strategy of trying to get them turned around as fast as he can. So far it hasn't really worked but who's to say any other way would better considering the program he's got.
Iowa is the posterchild for college football in what coaches would like to be as far as having the established way of doing things goes. All these coaches would prefer to have the stability to know they can be there 10 plus yrs but there's so few perfect marriages to be had between coaches and programs... It takes both it's a two way street....
"you know what you're gonna get". The eternal blessing/curse of Iowa football under Kirk Ferentz. Fleck could have plucked that line from the 45 or so BT head coaches who are presently coaching or who have come and gone since Kirk started at Iowa.
For the most part, I find it encouraging that other coaches say that you know what you’re gonna get with Iowa in regards to... physical, fairly well coached, limits mistakes, plays hard, etc. I find it discouraging when coaches say that you know what you’re gonna get because they know the audible for 3rd and 2 and you can see players shift to the call before the snap.
Gonna be so funny when PJ Fleck gives up on all his gimmicks and promotional deals and just chews gum on the sidelines and gives non-answers at press conferences after signing a big money extension.
I listened to PJ talk about Iowa and Wisconsin’s longevity of coaching culture and all I heard was “We sucked when I got here. We still suck now. Please don’t fire me.”
I listened to PJ talk about Iowa and Wisconsin’s longevity of coaching culture and all I heard was “We sucked when I got here. We still suck now. Please don’t fire me.I've got a wife and an ex-wife to pay for”