Agree. These message board legend players that haven't qualified are wild cards at best. If you can get them, if they stay eligible, if they don't transfer the first time they miss some PT because of missing class or a bad grade. No sure bets, but I agree he is probably a better fit for a program that is a bit more liberal with their academic standards.
It almost always comes down to character. If a kid has the character to work hard,in the classroom and on the court,and to do the right thing,on and off the court, they pan out.
I know that some school systems are just bad/or home environment is bad,and so the kids are so far behind,they never have a chance,but I think Dallas Carter is probably not a horrible school,as they have had many,many kids go to college out of there,especially football players.
This article indicates that Phillip is a leader,who is respected by teammates and coaches...that is good. He attends church with his teammates....not a bad thing. And he is a hard worker,according to this article...on the court and off. All good. Fran needs to make the call on his character,and I trust him.