Phil Simms on Steelers offense today - I say somewhat like the hawks


Well-Known Member
Simms said the steelers have always liked to pound the ball with a heavy running attack, throw short passes to the edges and over the middle to tight ends, and several times a game go long for the 'bomb'". This sounds like the hawks except for the going deep 5 or 6 times a game.

A lot of NFL teams run offenses that the hawks run except for two things, the hawks arent as efficient in the short passing game and in most years the hawks dont take many shots downfield.

KF still has a viable offense and it will be fun the watch the hawks get their passing game back.
Well the Steelers lost a close game today just like the Hawks have become good at doing, so there may be something to that, uihawk.
Simms said the steelers have always liked to pound the ball with a heavy running attack, throw short passes to the edges and over the middle to tight ends, and several times a game go long for the 'bomb'". This sounds like the hawks except for the going deep 5 or 6 times a game.

A lot of NFL teams run offenses that the hawks run except for two things, the hawks arent as efficient in the short passing game and in most years the hawks dont take many shots downfield.

KF still has a viable offense and it will be fun the watch the hawks get their passing game back.

Your timing is not exactly good with this analogy. If the season were to end today, Pitt would not make the playoffs and would miss out on the wild card behind Cinnci with a 2nd yr QB and Indi who was terrible last year and has a rookie QB at the helm this year. Furthermore, Big Ben let slip in the locker room to reporters this weekend that he is unhappy with the offense OC Haley is calling.

If the Steelers D isn't dominant and if Big Ben isn't making big plays due to his pocket awareness and his ability to make would be sackers bounce off of him like gnats on a windshield, the Steelers are a wildcard team at best...or in the case of this season...not even.

Maybe your analogy works though...this all sounds very familiar to us Hawkeye fans.