Pete Carroll and his view of the USC Sanctions


Well-Known Member
Amazing to hear his spin on things:

Q: Why do you think the NCAA imposed such harsh sanctions?

A: I haven't read all of the stuff that's out, but they did take note of, they just thought we went so far, won so much and did so well that maybe there were reasons what that was all enhanced outside of the hard work, ethic and recruiting and all of the involvement of everyone in the program."

Yea Pete....they busted you simply because you had a winning program. It's amazing how someone can sit there and continue to defend the USC program when it's pretty clear to just about everyone else (I guess except for Petey) that everything wasn't on the up-and-up.

(The USC stuff starts at about the 3:40 mark)

Pete Carroll Addresses USC Sanctions - ESPN Video - ESPN
Translation- They're just kids and they were having fun and why would you want to stop that. There were gifts and bennies going all directions and the NCAA thought we were winning too much so we got caught. I don't understand why they want to make that a bad thing.
Instead of blaming the NCAA, how bout Pete blames himself as well as Mike Garrett. The whole blame game is old. Take some responsibility for yourself looking the other way.
I hope when it comes to the NFL, Pete is a once, twice, three times a failure.
Bottom line is that good ole Pete jumped ship when he knew they were closing in. Must be in line with his much touted adherence to his personal beliefs.

I gotta say they he really must be a true believer to go on national TV and make that play.
One could argue that in college sports, you can't have the kind of success that Carroll had at USC - or several of the coaches have in basketball - without cheating and breaking the rules to some degree. It's just whether you get caught.

And Carroll turned tail and ran instead of taking it like a man.
As an uninformed outsider I would have to think USC was going above and beyond what other programs do to bend the rules.

Admittedly this might not be related to what was going on with their football program...but it also might be pretty closely related. OJ Mayo was one of the biggest high school recruits in a while and USC wasn't even recruiting him. One day OJ called up Tim Floyd and let him know that he was coming to play for him...along with one of his high school teammates...another highly rated prospect.

That's the story I heard anyhow...and it certainly made me think twice about the legitimacy of their basketball program.
It is suprising that he finally decided to go to the NFL the same year USC got busted for being too good of a program.