Per Kirk on injuries: "Got decent news yesterday."


Well-Known Member
Chad Leistikow ‏@ChadLeistikow 8m8 minutes ago

Nothing new from Kirk on injuries: "We're not going to rule either one of them out" (for Pitt game). "Got decent news yesterday."
Surprising cause Ott looked he was in a lot of pain.

I think Daniels goes back in the game if we were playing a Big Ten team, he was running on the sidelines.

I just hope they don't rush Ott back. Even if there is no damage to the arm, elbow or wrist injuries can be nagging if not given time to heal all the way up.
Maybe just a minor sprain. Sometimes, those can be painful. Sometimes when you get my age, you'll have awful pains for a few minutes and they go away. Know what I'm sayin?
I think Daniels goes back in the game if we were playing a Big Ten team, he was running on the sidelines.

I just hope they don't rush Ott back. Even if there is no damage to the arm, elbow or wrist injuries can be nagging if not given time to heal all the way up.
I felt the same way about Scherff last year, but that turned out ok.
good, great, excellent news on Ott. We can afford to keep him out the next two if necessary. Would love to have him against Pitt...but I'd rather have him healthy for Wisky.
Pitt is a decent team. If guys are cleared they need to be on the field.
Week 1 vs Youngstown State 45-37
Week 2 @ Akron- 24-7 (it was close most of the game)

I'm not saying they are world beaters, but I am saying that I would fully expect us to win this game without Ott if we had to. Maybe I am feeling a little over confident early, but that's more because I don't think Pitt is that good, and we are at home at night. Crowd should be good.
I felt the same way about Scherff last year, but that turned out ok.

Scherff's situation was different. He had no more risk of tearing more cartilage the day after his surgery as he would 8 months later.
IF, and this is an if without any more info than anyone else, Ott dislocated his elbow, he is at risk of repeating this until the ligaments have had time to strengthen and return to normal stretchiness.
Scherff's situation was different. He had no more risk of tearing more cartilage the day after his surgery as he would 8 months later.
IF, and this is an if without any more info than anyone else, Ott dislocated his elbow, he is at risk of repeating this until the ligaments have had time to strengthen and return to normal stretchiness.
I'm sure that depends on which doctor you speak with. I do know that playing football earlier than 2 or 3 weeks after partial meniscus removal surgery is not normally advised.
Ott just needs one of those "bionic arm" braces that JJ Watt wears. Then he would look even more bad*ss.
Scherff's situation was different. He had no more risk of tearing more cartilage the day after his surgery as he would 8 months later.
IF, and this is an if without any more info than anyone else, Ott dislocated his elbow, he is at risk of repeating this until the ligaments have had time to strengthen and return to normal stretchiness.

If Ott dislocated his elbow, I assume it was popped back in place on the sidelines since he looked fine in the locker room picture. I have a hunch we'll see him in a J.J. Watt arm brace on the field Saturday night. It'll be tough to keep a guy like that on the sidelines if there was no major damage. He's a little nuts.
I bet you they are both back. They said leshun was going through exercises on the sidelines for the trainers, canzeri seemed to dismiss it as he'd be back. So Daniels, I'm not too worried about him for this week. I'm more worried about him for every game and every year. He's like the Samuel Jackson character from the movie unbreakable that gets hurt waking up in the morning. I have doubts he ever stays healthy. Too bad too because I like his potential. Ott- brace it and let's go!
I'm not a Real doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express, last week.

I'm inclined to think we should play Ott, LeShun and DMX this week and
Rest 'em, next week, if needed.

Kirk never said the injuries were significant. He said in his post game interview that he didn't know the extent of the injuries so they were going to treat then as if they are significant so they can prepare the back ups just incase they can't go.


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