Penn State Scout Board


Well-Known Member
Things are getting real ugly over there. Posters over there are saying the following:

Joe Pa deserved better than being forced to retire

All this was a set up by the "PSU Brass" to get Joe Pa out of coaching

Blaming the first victims mother for not doing enough to protect her son

Calling out the Pennsylvania Police for their lack of morals because of the presser they had a couple days back calling out Joe Pa for his moral responsibility.

Pretty bizarre change of opinions over the last 24 hours over there. Audibles Message Board
I think you have to have a certain IQ to be able to post on the Scout boards. The Iowa fans on ours tend to be ridiculous too. I sincerely hope they make up a tiny percentage of PSU fans/alumni.
I been banned from that Scout board since Sunday and banned from their Rivals board since Dec '09 leading up to the OB selection.
I think you have to have a certain IQ to be able to post on the Scout boards. The Iowa fans on ours tend to be ridiculous too. I sincerely hope they make up a tiny percentage of PSU fans/alumni.

Folks, if you want a project lesson in denial and blind allegiance, go to that board.

It's like psychology 101 over there. And not in a good way.
Is this a confirmation of IOWuh's statement?

Pretty much so. When one of my posts objectively stated that this incident was going to go down as one of the worst college sports scandals ever I was informed that was not the case because the NCAA was not involved.
Pretty much so. When one of my posts objectively stated that this incident was going to go down as one of the worst college sports scandals ever I was informed that was not the case because the NCAA was not involved.

lol wut? :eek::confused::D
Folks, if you want a project lesson in denial and blind allegiance, go to that board.

It's like psychology 101 over there. And not in a good way.

It really is scary, even after being asked countless times why didn't Joe Pa at the very least follow up, they come up with maybe he did and the AD, VP told them it was being handled.


As for the PP case. That was the last straw with a large majority of the Iowa fans at least the ones that hadn't already jumped off Alford's sinking ship.
How did the Iowa boards react to the Pierre Pierce thing? I wasn't around then.

There were a lot of ticked off people...and a segment of the fan base that never, ever supported Alford after that, some who never went to another game until Alford was gone
there were a lot of questions around the first Pierce incident so people were divided.

after the second incident, everyone wanted him gone.
A small part of me feels sorry for them. Before this all happened I had a lot of respect for Penn State, their fans, and their football program. But after this everything about Penn State makes me sick, if something like this happened at Iowa I would be tempted to burn everything I had that was black and gold. The entire situation is an embarrassment and the Big Ten announced tomorrow that Penn State was kicked out of the conference I wouldn't care. To try and cover up their reputation and their name while innocent boys were being sodomized is inexcusable.
One of the posts I saw on there even said about McQueary "Turn around and walk on by" I can't even relate to that type of thinking.

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