Penn st appealing?

Another question for some of the morally superior, especially those who trumpet the gay rights agenda:
--Most argue that homosexuality is "genetic" or "inborn", that the overwhelming majority of gay people have "always known"
--Those same people will say Sandusky is NOT gay, but a pedophile/child-molester
--Studies show the overwhelming majority of child molesters were, themselves, victims of abuse

Given the above, isn't Sandusky also a "victim"? And when 36-year old female teachers molest 15-year old boys, why do they receive LESSER sentences than men in reverse situations? Or is it because Sandusky molested boys and not girls?

I realize this hits too close to home for two sets: those who have been victims or know victims, and those who claim moral high ground who can't wrap their minds around some hard facts.

When I said you should try to 'get it', by 'it', I didn't mean bat-crap insane, but apparently that's what you got.
bob you keep poining out they didnt interview spanier, gram, curley, etc...

They didnt need to. All those guys testified to a grand jury. They made statements there. All thr FR had to do was compare testimoney to the paper trail to determine what happened.

In addition anyone with a brain knows they were never going to be allowed to talk to those guys. They are all facing perjury charges and there is no way there attorneys would allow them to speak to FR investigstors.

You mean they shouldn't have even ASKED McQueary ANYthing? Disagree. And Paterno DID volunteer to speak with the Freeh folks. They admitted that.

But just because they testified to a grand jury, then Freeh Report "compared" doesn't make everything "true".

Even so, the PSU BoT members have the right to speak up. Nobody has to agree with them. But the notion that every and all PSU fan(s), BoT member(s) and the like should keep quiet and not have their say isn't right.

Should the Paterno family merely say, "OK, we accept everything as presented. It doesn't matter if they spoke with Joe or anyone else in the family."

If it were one of MY family members and I thought there MIGHT be inconsistencies, I would do the same. I would certainly do it in a more quiet fashion, but I would not allow someone to present a "report" about my father or mother without them having been interviewed.

If you were a BoT member and the President--the same one who pledged open, honest and full cooperation of the BoT--signed off on something without addressing the BoT, wouold you simply accept it?

Sure, they might be making it too "public". Sure, they may discover "the whole truth". But if they merely say, "He's the President, we're good here", then they aren't very good "trustees".
That very well may be. But, again, THEY weren't the ones who committed the initial crime(s). If you can't understand their "defense" of the program, I can understand that. But for everyone to say they should be quiet and accept it without comment or complaint is ludicrous.

They can complain all they want. It's not going to change anything. The NCAA may end up worsening the penalty because of this. I hope they do, because the complainers are wrong.
When I said you should try to 'get it', by 'it', I didn't mean bat-crap insane, but apparently that's what you got.

No. I think for myself.

It appears you don't "get it". Get past the Sandusky "acts" and the "cover up".

What the NCAA did was NOT by their own standards. They made them up as they went along.

And they will continue to do it, arbitrarily and possibly maliciously, if nobody steps forward and at least comments on what they do.

Everybody SCREAMS when OSU or USC doesn't get "enough" punishment, or when Cam Newton is reinstated with a wink and a nod.

It works both ways.
No. I think for myself.

It appears you don't "get it". Get past the Sandusky "acts" and the "cover up".

What the NCAA did was NOT by their own standards. They made them up as they went along.

And they will continue to do it, arbitrarily and possibly maliciously, if nobody steps forward and at least comments on what they do.

Everybody SCREAMS when OSU or USC doesn't get "enough" punishment, or when Cam Newton is reinstated with a wink and a nod.

It works both ways.

Oh yeah, sure. "The Media" tells me what to think. And because everybody screams when OSU or USC or Cam Newton isn't punished enough, they should NOT scream here? That makes less sense than your usual bunk.
Oh yeah, sure. "The Media" tells me what to think. And because everybody screams when OSU or USC or Cam Newton isn't punished enough, they should NOT scream here? That makes less sense than your usual bunk.

Really? What is my "usual bunk"? Aside from having to suffer through your posts and rants, of course...
The punishment wasn't harsh enough.

Based on what, exactly? We have no idea of the POSSIBLE negative consequences for PSU, the State College area as a whole, or the innocent people who did nothing wrong.

What we DO know is that the current freshman class will never see a bowl game (with scholly redux, tough to think redshirts will be taken, save for injury), USC got a prime RB (even though THEY are coming off probation), and the players that chose to stay are being vilified.
how are the players being "vilified"? i think people are rational enough to understand that the current and past players had nothing to do with this.

if a major corporations leaders are doing things behind the scenes that gets them in trouble and closes down the whole company, the lower people that had nothing to do with it are going to suffer as well. its the way it works. its a tough situation for the players that are still there, sure, but they had the choice to leave and most chose to stay. i don't feel sorry for them
how are the players being "vilified"? i think people are rational enough to understand that the current and past players had nothing to do with this.

if a major corporations leaders are doing things behind the scenes that gets them in trouble and closes down the whole company, the lower people that had nothing to do with it are going to suffer as well. its the way it works. its a tough situation for the players that are still there, sure, but they had the choice to leave and most chose to stay. i don't feel sorry for them

Read some of the comments (here and elsewhere) about PSU players "drinking the kool aid" and that by staying they are only perpetuating the problem(s). It shouldn't be hard to find.
Based on what, exactly? We have no idea of the POSSIBLE negative consequences for PSU, the State College area as a whole, or the innocent people who did nothing wrong.

What we DO know is that the current freshman class will never see a bowl game (with scholly redux, tough to think redshirts will be taken, save for injury), USC got a prime RB (even though THEY are coming off probation), and the players that chose to stay are being vilified.

wow Bob. Something you want to tell us? How do you feel about Penn State?

They failed at the most basic level as human beings. They should never be allowed to have a football program again.
Based on what, exactly? We have no idea of the POSSIBLE negative consequences for PSU, the State College area as a whole, or the innocent people who did nothing wrong.

What we DO know is that the current freshman class will never see a bowl game (with scholly redux, tough to think redshirts will be taken, save for injury), USC got a prime RB (even though THEY are coming off probation), and the players that chose to stay are being vilified.

Based on the fact that they knowingly allowed a child rapist around their program, in their buildings & gave said person means to continue his acts. Yeah, based on that little thing.

My God.

Just stop dude, you are making an absolute fool of yourself.
Based on what, exactly? We have no idea of the POSSIBLE negative consequences for PSU, the State College area as a whole, or the innocent people who did nothing wrong.

What we DO know is that the current freshman class will never see a bowl game (with scholly redux, tough to think redshirts will be taken, save for injury), USC got a prime RB (even though THEY are coming off probation), and the players that chose to stay are being vilified.

The "innocent" people of Happy Valley are doing a lot to show they have learned from this and have compassion about the victims. All they care about is their beloved football program and Joe Paternos legacy. The only punishment that would have taught them anything was the death penalty.
Never mind that, ssckelley. You have kids old enough to drive?!? WTF. I had you pegged as maybe 24-26 yrs old, based on your typical post content.
If someone within the Hawkeye football program committed a rape, murder or something of that nature, and Ferentz, Barta and Mason covered it up and allowed the perpetrator to roam free for 14 years, not only would I not care what outside persons or groups were investigating, judging and punishing my beloved school, but I would be so disgusted by it that I would be ashamed to call myself a Hawkeye fan and would find it hard to associate myself with the team any more, as much as I truly love my Hawks.

Sports are just fun and games, a diversion from real life. The real lives of people matter so much more.

PSU needs to show that they get this.

clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!!!!
Based on what, exactly? We have no idea of the POSSIBLE negative consequences for PSU, the State College area as a whole, or the innocent people who did nothing wrong.

What we DO know is that the current freshman class will never see a bowl game (with scholly redux, tough to think redshirts will be taken, save for injury), USC got a prime RB (even though THEY are coming off probation), and the players that chose to stay are being vilified.


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