Pearl done?

I would take Pearl at Iowa in a second.

In his six years at Tennessee he's won more SEC games than any other coach and that includes powerhouse Kentucky.
I would take Pearl at Iowa in a heartbeat. I love Fran and think he is heading in the right direction so, if possible, I would love for Pearl to come up and be an assistant.
I'd pass also. Yes, he did win numerous games in the SEC during his tenure but he has had more than his share of violations to get there.
I'd take him in a New York second as well. The turn-around would be faster and stronger. That's not meant as a rap on Fran -- I think he is an excellent coach and will get it done. But Bruce's passion for the game and his ability to recruit (sans BBQs) would be huge assets here and could have resulted in bringing in higher-level recruits earlier to a program that typically does not get them.
He is probably done in coaching after this. That being said, if a network chooses to hire him, and they should, he would be one of the best analysts in the sport. I have interviewed him several times and few are as good as he is.

What makes you say he's done coaching, Jon? I think he'd be great on TV also, but he can go to TV for a few years and let everyone forget about what happened and then get back in the game. He's only 51. It worked for Steve Lavin.
What makes you say he's done coaching, Jon? I think he'd be great on TV also, but he can go to TV for a few years and let everyone forget about what happened and then get back in the game. He's only 51. It worked for Steve Lavin.

I don't think people realize how much trouble he is in. He's probably going to be hit with a lengthy NCAA suspension and possibly a show-cause penalty which will effectively end his D-1 coaching career. The last thing Iowa needs to be doing is bringing in a shady, cheater like Pearl. I can do without getting NCAA violations in the next few years.
No kidding! I admit I was hoping for Pearl at the time we were trying to get him but I wouldn't touch him now. This is not SEC country it's IOWA!!! you'd have to live down here in Atlanta like I do to have a appreciation for Iowa Midwestern values. I used to think that was BS until my job moved me down here. Bible belt? ROFLMAO!!!
We don't need him. Those of you that want to win at all costs need to think again. We are not in the SEC, tOSU... where do you draw the line in cheating?
I would take Pearl at Iowa in a heartbeat. I love Fran and think he is heading in the right direction so, if possible, I would love for Pearl to come up and be an assistant.

Would you really take someone who may have a bad reputation as a known cheater? I don't know how bad the situation is for him, but if things are truly that bad, wouldn't it be a bad idea for a school like Iowa to hire him?

I really, really like winning, but I'd like my school to have a good reputation, too.
I don't think people realize how much trouble he is in. He's probably going to be hit with a lengthy NCAA suspension and possibly a show-cause penalty which will effectively end his D-1 coaching career. The last thing Iowa needs to be doing is bringing in a shady, cheater like Pearl. I can do without getting NCAA violations in the next few years.

Never said I wanted him at Iowa. I want nothing to do with him. But someone will take him eventually, I guarantee it.
I don't think people realize how much trouble he is in. He's probably going to be hit with a lengthy NCAA suspension and possibly a show-cause penalty which will effectively end his D-1 coaching career. The last thing Iowa needs to be doing is bringing in a shady, cheater like Pearl. I can do without getting NCAA violations in the next few years.

Yet Calipari continues to coach, hmmm.
I know I'm in the minority on this but what Bruce did was wrong but not wrong enough to fire the guy. I know he lied to people but but we all know there is much worse going on out there. Hope he keeps his job because I like to follow Tennessee and like Jon said if he is fired he is pretty much done on the coaching circuit.

agree with all of this

also if we needed a coach right now (which we don't), Pearl would be a the top of my list!
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It's pretty pathetic that some of you are discussing the "what if" around Pearl coaching at Iowa. Last time I checked we have a coach, and if we happen to get another any time soon, we might as well as Barta and the U of I to get rid of basketball because low just got lower.
I agree with this. The NCAA is ridiculous. Lying is the worst offense? What a freaking joke. Calipari leaves two teams with sanctions...still coaching, never suspended. Pearl lies? Suspended. Probably fired. 5 OSU players trade/sell merchandise for tatoos and other perks. Play in the Sugar Bowl. Suspended 5 early games. Dez Bryant lies about the meeting with Deion Sanders that wasn't even a violation. Suspended for the rest of the season - 10 games. NCAA football players can receive money for playing professional baseball in the offseason. But, be a competitive skier like Jeremy Bloom and take sponsorship money (effectively the same as a minor league baseball player's bonus/salary), you're ruled ineligible and can't play again.

Ok, didn't he simply have a recruit at his house? Heck, I assumed that ALL recruits did that! Go to coaches house and have his family cook the recruit and his family a nice meal... Treasonous... He did lie to the NCAA in a brief phone call, but he correct that mistake before anything happened. That is what I remember reading, but I obviously missed a lot of what has happen with BP and the investigation, but nothing I heard was all that and a bag of chips.

I would be willing to wager, having known all that all SEC coaches have done, BP would probably be their most upstanding citizen.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that he tried to cover up some of his misdeeds by going to the player(s) and trying to get him/them to lie about what happened. When the kid(s) wouldn't do it that's when BP admitted to what had happened. That's one of the main factors that has many of the tennessee people upset and wanting BP's head. Nothing like trying to contain a BP oil I am sure there are a lot of Illinois fans enjoying this.

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