Paul Rhoads

No, he's not. Just because kf would say "that's football" after getting screwed doesn't mean every coach is as emotionless as him.

Yeah, because super fans like you care soooooo much more than the coaches, because you can cry, b!tch and moan on the interwebs.....:rolleyes:
No, he's not. Just because kf would say "that's football" after getting screwed doesn't mean every coach is as emotionless as him.

Fact is that Kirk does get up in the officials faces and stands up for his players. But he does it when he needs to, not over everything. This helps to drive a point home. If the officials hear it all game, they are going to tune it out eventually.

Fact is Kirk has been known to cry at the end of a game. But it is when his team pours it all out on the field and they WIN. Tears of joy.

Fact is that had the ISU players done what they needed to do on the field, one or two blown calls at the end of the game wouldn't have made a difference. If you want to win a game, you want the outcome in your hands, not the officials. A good coaching role model tells his team, and the public, this. He doesn't blame it on the officials.

And that, as they say, is football.
I never really got the Kirk is emotionless critique. For one, just because he's not a meatball spazz like you doesn't mean he doesn't care plus the dude cries a lot and has blown his stack many times.
I never really got the Kirk is emotionless critique. For one, just because he's not a meatball spazz like you doesn't mean he doesn't care plus the dude cries a lot and has blown his stack many times.

KF gets animated when necessary. Freed just takes his shots anytime he can.
Fact is that Kirk does get up in the officials faces and stands up for his players. But he does it when he needs to, not over everything. This helps to drive a point home. If the officials hear it all game, they are going to tune it out eventually.

Fact is Kirk has been known to cry at the end of a game. But it is when his team pours it all out on the field and they WIN. Tears of joy.

Fact is that had the ISU players done what they needed to do on the field, one or two blown calls at the end of the game wouldn't have made a difference. If you want to win a game, you want the outcome in your hands, not the officials. A good coaching role model tells his team, and the public, this. He doesn't blame it on the officials.

And that, as they say, is football.

You all have man crushes on kf. Ok, I get it.
KF gets animated when necessary. Freed just takes his shots anytime he can.

No, I don't. Read all the Rhoads posts on the board. I respond when folks say that I'm glad kf isn't a head case like Rhoads. I respect Rhoads a heck of a lot more than I do kf. Rhoads was ticked off that the refs stole the game from his players and he was defending them.
No, I don't. Read all the Rhoads posts on the board. I respond when folks say that I'm glad kf isn't a head case like Rhoads. I respect Rhoads a heck of a lot more than I do kf. Rhoads was ticked off that the refs stole the game from his players and he was defending them.

You don't ? Really ? Cmon man. You are welcome to your opinions, usually a touch negative, on kf. But don't deny it....nah...that ain't gonna float. I like what Roads is trying to do...and don't have quite the hate for the clones some do (but I live in Omaha...not Does I understand why they do...cause my disgust is with nebby). All that said, your distaste and disrespect for kf is uber need for you to justify, just don't expect people to like it.

ISU got happens...a rival in state schools fan board is relishing in it... when the crazy antics if siad rivals coach are the joke of most of the regions sports media outlets...its gonna get some comments....get over it.

I'm sure the hawks will lose a couple games in the next few weeks....your window of opportunity is coming Freed.
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No, I don't. Read all the Rhoads posts on the board. I respond when folks say that I'm glad kf isn't a head case like Rhoads. I respect Rhoads a heck of a lot more than I do kf. Rhoads was ticked off that the refs stole the game from his players and he was defending them.

The refs made a horrible call IMO but still ISU had ample opportunities to win especially on that last drive for Texas. On from that, when has a ref screwed Iowa like they did ISU and in said game, how did KF respond that would make you not respect him for not defending his players?
ISU got happens...a rival in state schools fan board is relishing in it... when the crazy antics if siad rivals coach are the joke of most of the regions sports media outlets...its gonna get some comments....get over it.


It's way beyond the region. This is ending up in the sound bite bin with "I'm 40", "Playoffs?", "We Talkin bout Practice." "They were who we thought they were" etc.
It's way beyond the region. This is ending up in the sound bite bin with "I'm 40", "Playoffs?", "We Talkin bout Practice." "They were who we thought they were" etc.

This was precisely his intent IMO. Ever since the Pwoud speech, they been looking for propaganda material to keep hope alive in their program. This was a better opportunity to accomplish that, even more so than a win over a poor Texas team.

This will buy them at least 4 more losses. Beat Kansas and WVU to end the season and they will have "momentum" moving into 2014, thus extending hope for one more year.
This was precisely his intent IMO. Ever since the Pwoud speech, they been looking for propaganda material to keep hope alive in their program. This was a better opportunity to accomplish that, even more so than a win over a poor Texas team.

This will buy them at least 4 more losses. Beat Kansas and WVU to end the season and they will have "momentum" moving into 2014, thus extending hope for one more year.

Supposing intent is a dangerous thing.
No, I don't. Read all the Rhoads posts on the board. I respond when folks say that I'm glad kf isn't a head case like Rhoads. I respect Rhoads a heck of a lot more than I do kf. Rhoads was ticked off that the refs stole the game from his players and he was defending them.

<<I respect Rhoads a heck of a lot more than I do kf>>

Try this site: - Iowa State Cyclones Online Community

I get that he's upset. Know how I know? Because he spent whole damn press conference telling everybody.

Did you see KF whining like a wuss after the 2006 Outback Bowl? No. Want to know why? Because he's a frigging grown up.
I guess Paul Rhoads post game press conference is getting a ton of publicity. It's actually been nominated for an "I Got Your Back" Award. Unfortunately, Paul has already said he won't be able to attend the Gay Porn ceremony in Las Vegas.
You all have man crushes on kf. Ok, I get it.

And you couldn't refute anything I wrote, so your rebuttal was to try to take a shot at me.

Score one for Freed.

It was a bad call by the officials at the end of the game. But ISU has no one to blame but themselves for being in that position at the end of the game.

I was raised to never blame the refs for a loss because had my team played better we still would have won. PR apparently was not.
You don't ? Really ? Cmon man. You are welcome to your opinions, usually a touch negative, on kf. But don't deny it....nah...that ain't gonna float. I like what Roads is trying to do...and don't have quite the hate for the clones some do (but I live in Omaha...not Does I understand why they do...cause my disgust is with nebby). All that said, your distaste and disrespect for kf is uber need for you to justify, just don't expect people to like it.

ISU got happens...a rival in state schools fan board is relishing in it... when the crazy antics if siad rivals coach are the joke of most of the regions sports media outlets...its gonna get some comments....get over it.

I'm sure the hawks will lose a couple games in the next few weeks....your window of opportunity is coming Freed.

How old are you?
The refs made a horrible call IMO but still ISU had ample opportunities to win especially on that last drive for Texas. On from that, when has a ref screwed Iowa like they did ISU and in said game, how did KF respond that would make you not respect him for not defending his players?

Cause he's such a big p-ss.

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