Paul Finnebaum, not a Clown fan

First reply: you ever seen a kindergarten class room? A bunch of animals tearing apart a room with no regard for authority and zero ***** given.... that's a compliment in my book.

Interested to read the rest of the delusional comments.

Seldom have I been so torn. I think Finebaum is a tool...but this is beautiful. Largely because it's true. One only need look to their biggest day ever... 9/11/21. They sh** the bed.
This Finebaum guy exhibits an elitist attitude. To single out an ISU game experience for comparison with SEC locations is unfair in my opinion. The culture in Ames and the attendees are not comparable. A better comparison would probably be with a professional football team, which is what Alabama and its ilk have become. He might as well compare Phoenix Az .
This Finebaum guy exhibits an elitist attitude. To single out an ISU game experience for comparison with SEC locations is unfair in my opinion. The culture in Ames and the attendees are not comparable. A better comparison would probably be with a professional football team, which is what Alabama and its ilk have become. He might as well compare Phoenix Az .
Fiinebaum is living proof that there are more good jobs in sports journalism/reporting than there are qualified applicants to fill the slots. Most people agree that SEC is the superior football conference but I'm not sure that Finebaum made it much beyond kindergarten. I'm not a Cyclone fan but they do have a pretty good game day atmosphere. Nite life in Ames - not much to brag about.
Finnebaum is a joke. Classic of him to claim knowledge about a place he's never set foot in, or probably ever even watched on TV. I rarely watch him, but did tune in to see how he'd try to spin the fact that the vaunted SEC couldn't even reach agreement among themselves on whether to play 8 or 9 conference games...ultimately settling on 8. He stammered around all day, "well...", "ya know", "could be". Very embarrassing for the conference on multiple levels, but he just couldn't say it out loud.
This Finebaum guy exhibits an elitist attitude. To single out an ISU game experience for comparison with SEC locations is unfair in my opinion. The culture in Ames and the attendees are not comparable. A better comparison would probably be with a professional football team, which is what Alabama and its ilk have become. He might as well compare Phoenix Az .
That was precisely his point.

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