Paul Fine baum is a ________???

Stop whining about these *****.

Exactly! It's so over played it's becoming comical. Paul said Iowa isn't in his Top 4 whoop Dee Doooo!!!!!! We see a post a day on what this asshat and what Herbie think.. lol it don't matter what they think!! Fact~
12-0 shuts them all up.

No it won't, but I'm ok with that. The funny thing is many around the country (including Finebaum) will be watching the Hawks for the first time either Friday or next Saturday in the B1G championship game. If they win those games, they will wonder why the talking heads were complaining so much about Iowa.
No it won't, but I'm ok with that. The funny thing is many around the country (including Finebaum) will be watching the Hawks for the first time either Friday or next Saturday in the B1G championship game. If they win those games, they will wonder why the talking heads were complaining so much about Iowa.

Exactly. They didn't shut up last year until OSU beat Bama.
Paul & Crew hate us, and I love it, couldn't be happier I love the head bobbing, the little turn away from the camera when asked about Iowa, he's squirming in his jorts, and I'm getting such a kick out of these guys, hilarious stuff....we keep on winning and they have to talk about us, there's no way to get around it.....
Paul Finebaum is a radio host. His job is to get the most listeners and viewers. He is an entertainer, not an expert. I don't care what Finebaum or Cowherd or Le Batard or any ENTERTAINER has to say about Iowa, because their opinions reflect a desire to get people fired up and consuming their particular medium.

Paul has never played, coached or participated on any level. He admits he isn't an X and O guy. So him dumping on Iowa is really meaningless.
The one and only way to shut ESecPN and the rest up is to win the national title. 15-0 and a win over Alabama is the only way. Anything short of that will rain "I told you so's" for enternity. I don't like it anymore than any other Hawkeye fan does but it's the reality. Ohio State was dumped on until they beat Alabama and Oregon. The Buckeyes have the pedigree that we do not and it was an uphill battle even for them. We should expect no less. I hope Ferentz and company are using this as motivation. Even if we do win it all I would be shocked if ESecPN isn't crapping on us in the preseason polls next year. It is what it is.
This is why I told everyone that thought a playoff was bad for college football that it made the regular season more important not less.

Before it was up to biased voters which would totally eliminate Iowa. Now you control your own destiny.

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