Pat Forde Rips into Iowa

He flat-out calls the Iowa staff abusive.

So after the disappointment of the fall and the embarrassments of December and January, a rigorous winter conditioning regimen intent on attitude adjustment seems quite conceivable. The problem comes when rigorous becomes abusive.

I'm generally not one to react this way, but I actually just lost a ton of respect for Pat. That's infuriating.

How many athletes went through this same workout and were not hospitalized?

Or, did only 13 players go through the workout and all were affected?

Not making excuses, but it appears this has been done at Iowa for a while without any problems or minimal problems. Could these 13 athletes have not conducted their workouts during the holiday break that I'm sure they're supposed to do?
Forde hates the Big Ten, and makes a point of ripping into it whenever he can. If this had happened at Florida, or Alabama or the like, you'd see him urging caution in calling it abusive.
Forde is a hack.

I was living in Lousiville when he worked for the Courier Journal. He was a sad representative to all sports writers while there and appears to not have improved over the years.

I really can't believe these idiots, most of whom have never played sports at a high level, make money writing this stuff that they don't understand.

Challenging athletes to be their best is the only kind of program I'd want my kid to be a part of. That is how Iowa as well as many other programs work. He wouldn't know since he lived in Louisville and covered at that time the Conference USA in Football.

I hope and pray these athleted are ok. But as others have stated, could they have done something like partying over the weekend that hurt their recovery? Forde saying that's college kids and the workouts shouldn't be so hard that if they go out and party they'll not recover properly.

This way of thinking shows his total and complete stupidity. And agian, he makes money to write these opinions after the fact. That's how sad we are in thios country that people can make a living on what he does.
Forde have any bashing on the head caoch when an associate of the football program DIED at Notre Dame?
I apologize. I thought that word would have been starred out. I still stand by my post though.

I laughed hysterically when I read that! HAHA. Nice work! And I AGREE! Guy is an absolute tool!!! Bigger than perault or doyel! He will NEVER have anything nice to say about Iowa. Remember when he trashed us when we were 9-0 in '09? He hadn't even seen a game at that point!
Monkey see, monkey do. Forde is a hack. He lived here in Louisville for years writing for the Courier Journal. He was equally despised by both Louisville and Kentucky fans alike. He is an arrogant POS and worships none other than his old buddy Gary Barnett. I wouldn't urinate on any of these no talent hacks if they were all on fire. The fact that we have so many so called "Hawk" fans that hang on their every word is disgusting to me. Some of you guys need to put a little faith in our coaches and University.
Pat Forde can suck a big fat as far as I am concerned.

I love the fact the we get these posted here. Jon and the rest of these guys don't want to look into anything. It is easier to pass on crap that a relative of a relative said. As a friend of a friend to noone related to this incident I would like to say the journalism shared by Iowa and national media simply the most credible I have ever seen.

I would like to confirm that I have no knowledge of this situation therefore I am going to post a blog about the things I think may have happened. Jon will you link my story about magical monkies and their root cause in Rhabdo? I think it will be a great read. It is called credibility. They don't sell it on twitter so I guess it won't make its way here or on ESPN.
I can't stand Pat Forde or most of anything that he writes. Its actually a running joke, anytime he writes something about the Big Ten in one of his articles that isn't completely negative, several buddies and myself email it back and forth in shock.
Many of the comments on the article are pretty negative toward Forde. Some of those comments are from non-Iowa fans. I'm begining to see some fans from other programs are defending KF and ripping on ESPNs coverage.

I'm usually not a fan of boycots, but I'm real close to stop going to ESPN to read any content. I definately will never email/write comments on that sight again.

I've already stopped going to CBSsportsline because of dumb and dumber's BS reporting. Not even going there to read about any other sport.
Jon or anyone, is there a way we can call this ******* out? I get so sick of this crap. Can someone compile a story documenting how long they have been doing similar workouts with comparisons to how many athletes have does this before with no consequences? I would love to hear that.

It sure seems to me these hacks should be reprimanded/loose their job over this slander.
On another note, what the hell is the great need that Ferentz needed to be in Iowa City for?
-Could he help give medical treatment?
-Did he need to be there staring at the players?

What gives? I'm sure he talked to them on the phone. There is nothing else he could have done that couldn't have waited to 2 days.

Anytime I've been in the hospital, I wasn't clamoring for visitors. I was trying to get treatment and rest to get better.

It's sickening to me how stupid people are.

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