Fraud is probably a bit strong:
A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or byconcealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individualwill act upon it to her or his legal injury.
That said, the contract he was given is not a contract that should be for a 7.5 win coach. Those who think Iowa can't do better are selling the program short.
There are several things that separate Iowa from other 7.5 win teams. Those teams would typically be short handed across the board. They oft would have a 2 or 3 win NC schedule (higher end if that schedule is weak).
Iowa, even in the weaker seasons typically have the makings of a very good team. However, there is often a major component missing and that component is fluid. In some years, it is a poor line and poor quality backs that can't run the ball. We have now seen a complete lack of being able to pass in spite of having an experienced winning qb back. In some years it's a lack of having real running backs or a back up quarterback.
Is this typical? Can't honestly say that I see other teams with this trait to this extreme (the makings of a great team with a huge deficiency. Frankly, it's not normal. It's not normal that Iowa can win some of the games they win with these deficiencies. It's not normal to have these deficiencies on an ongoing basis. I haven't looked, but I doubt it's normal for a 7.5 win team to even get into the bowl games of a decent quality that Iowa gets into. It's probably not normal to get as bombast-ed as much as Iowa has in recent years.
Iowa was sold on a solid coach who keeps the program out of trouble and relevant. Iowa is becoming the program that no one of relevance wants to lose to.
What is the definition of success? Many programs are struggling for consistency. KF produces consistent teams. The level doesn't change much. You can predict a steady conservative defense that will get tired at the end of games. You can predict an offense that will have a major weakness, but find someway to stay in most all games.
You can count on Iowa to ill prepared back up quarterbacks (way beyond normal).
You can count on Iowa to provide the NFL with practice squad players, an occasional main player especially on the line, and real occasionally a quarterback with connnections to get named a 3rd teamer just in case one is needed.
Is that a program indicative of a contract that is a top line contract at a top line school?
Fraud? Depends on the definition. Iowa fans will be forever split on this
For some of the supporters, there is a fear of becoming Illinois, Purdue, or MN. Illinois due to professional teams will always be 2nd fidal. The Goofs have the Vikes, plus it's just plain miserably cold. The Boilers have ND, Bears and Colts to compete against.
Iowa is different. Iowa football is culturally relevant. There aren't a lot of alternatives (Clowns) that will successfully compete almost ever. The percentage of Iowans that care is quite high. In these other states, it is just not the same and NEVER has been in modern history. Iowa has a tradition that will never go away, at least at the first signs of trouble. Look at Nebby. They've struggled with the coaching carousel. They've slipped even. Yet the fan base is still there.
Don't fear being Purdue/MN/IL. It likely won't happen. If it happens, it will be because of football dying across the nation.
So, the Fraud (s) are:
1. KF needs to be here to maintain the program at it's current level which among things has become a team that you just don't want to lose to if you are a strong program.
2. Iowa will sink to total irrelevance.
It is ridiculous that so many think the program will die w/o Kirk.
So, there are the frauds.