over under 40

I'm gonna say over. Gotta stay positive ;). And i think we'll get about 5 points against their backups in the last 4 minutes.
Duke and Maryland have 40 and 38 pts at the half. we have 33 with 3 minutes to go in the game.
Did any other team look this bad though while losing there?

I don't think Iowa has ever looked good in that building, and since Wisconsin plays basically the same slow down style that Iowa does - only a bazillion times better - this wasn't totally unexpected.
damn it eric. now you make one. we have 40!!!!!!!!!!!!! a point a minute. I feel like i have just watched a girls high school basketball game.
I don't think Iowa has ever looked good in that building, and since Wisconsin plays basically the same slow down style that Iowa does - only a bazillion times better - this wasn't totally unexpected.

I'm not saying I expected a win... but I'm disappointed with the performance.

I thought the slow down styles would keep it "semi close"... a score that was closer than the game actually was
I don't think Iowa has ever looked good in that building, and since Wisconsin plays basically the same slow down style that Iowa does - only a bazillion times better - this wasn't totally unexpected.

Yeah another near 30 point loss was not totally unexpected? Please. This is what Lickliter has given to fans, an expectation of getting blown out by 20+ on a regular basis. Just part of the Lickliter plan huh?
Yeah another near 30 point loss was not totally unexpected? Please. This is what Lickliter has given to fans, an expectation of getting blown out by 20+ on a regular basis. Just part of the Lickliter plan huh?

I didn't expect Iowa to win, and I didn't think it would be close. Sue me.
Lickliter and Barta have taken the program to the point where Iowa fans now EXPECT Iowa to get blown out of games by upper division teams when Iowa goes on the road.

Just think of that...Fans EXPECT Iowa to get beaten by 20 and 30 points, don't even feel bad, and aren't even surprised when they do. And all they have to say is that we should be better next year, that we might be able to win 12 to 16 games HOPEFULLY. But we know we have a GREAT coach who has turned the corner with this program and that better days on their way. I can't wait...

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