Our Next Offensive Coordinator


Well-Known Member
Our offenses have averaged a national ranking in the upper 60s to low 70s for most of the last decade... That has to change. Immediately.

Brian was to be Kirk's next OC. That was Kirk's plan, obviously. That plan is out the window. No chance in heck that happens now. Maybe in 4-5 years, but not now. The GD mentoring experiment crashed & burned worse than we could have imagined. Kirk needs to hit a grand slam with the next OC, or his days in IC will end next year. Iowa deserves a smash hit.

So who is out there? We need a young OC with aspirations of being a HC someday soon. A Bobby Diaco on the other side of the football. Someone who could be a HC now. Someone who would have total control of the offense, Zero oversight by Ferentz... Pay them more money than any assistant in the country (using Kirk's bonuses, seriously). So much $$ that everyone in the media is talking about it for the next year. I want national attention, we need it...

Give me some names. Who is out there?
Again like the effort OP but you are absolutely naive if you think any of this is going to happen. That time has come and gone after this last round of changes 3 years ago. So now this time is it time to be serious?

What kind of assistants of any quality will want to walk into this sinking ship? Who wants to come in and train the son for OC? The son is on staff so the assistants have immediate friction if they have aspirations about wanting to take over as head coach someday?

The only option is we buy him out and label it as a retirement. I do not care how much it costs. At this point the signs are there that if we wait one more season we are going to be Purdue/IL bad in the very near future and that will cost far more time and money to recover from than the enormous buyout. See basketball as an example.

Barta is in a major CYA position because of this contract is what it boils down to. He's leveraged and he knows it. He is desperately trying to squueeze out more time to make the buyout easier on the eyes but this is also a mistake. Face the facts and do it now!
Money be dammed who in the hell wants to come get on a ship that is destined for the bottom of the sea? I just think about Hayden and his coaching tree, Kirk's legacy is going to be one, Joe Philbin. The one that was smart enough to get out early. Not a damn credited university came calling for any of our coordinators. That should be alarming in and of itself. And quit with the Diaco talk, he isn't qualified to be anything other than a d coordinator. So pump those brakes when asking for him to come to town. There is no coordinator in America that can come here and coach up three Iowa bred 2 star linebackers and have them play fast, cause your not taught speed you either have it or not and we don't. So in my book you get a coordinator in here that can recruit his balls off, cause the x's and o's are the easy part assuming Kirk takes his hands off the reigns.
The next OC well be Brian Ferentz. It's the only reason Greg Davis was hired in the first place. He couldn't give the OC to his 27 year old son with 3 years coaching experience right away. So he hired a guy who would retire in 4 to 5 years when his son would be more "qualified" to take over. It won't happen this year with the anti-KF temperature right now. I expect another year of Greg Davis and probably retire after the next semi-descent year before he names Brian.

THIS. He is at the top of my list. He has the Nebraska ties, even if pre-B1G. Pay him. Double his salary. Do WHATEVR it takes... We have experienced QBs, with good recruits coming in. A good, young receiving corp. And we should finally have a decent RB. The offensive line will be good. The player personnel is there - We just need the Right coach.

For better or worse, Ferentz isnt going anywhere. If he does the same thing next season and gets to a bowl, GB keeps him.

Some others on the wish list would be Doug Meachum or Lincoln Riley. Pay them. They will come. The idea that we cannot hire a decent OC is preposterous. Even if KF were to get canned, these guys are good, and finding another job would not be difficult.

These guys make $300k. Double it. Money talks. I have wanted a real OC since the days of Hayden. Now is the chance. It is for certain that KF has heard the noise(playing CJ as much as he did is the evidence). My guess is that he makes the move for a real OC. Cross your fingers Hawk fans!! If KF goes down in flames, we wont have another winning season until the 2020s. That is the unfortunate truth.
At this point, I'd bet KF doesn't make any changes in any of the Assistant Coaches. Continuity along with slow and steady wins the race, don't cha know.....:confused:
Do you guys and gals really think a new OC and DC will make a difference, I don't. Coach already cleaned house and his hires didn't help. It starts and finishes with the Head Coach. He did a good job but it's time for new leadership. He loss all credibility when he let outsiders tell him who to play when there not at every practice to see who's doing what. Brought in a JC punter that avg 30 yards to give Kornbrath competition what a joke, then started him over him, Kornbrath had to be in Coaches dog house. Sally Mason better worry about more than people drinking on game day, she better figure out that people won't keep paying these outrageous prices to watch this on Saturday's. Until changes are made I won't be buying Season tickets.
Coaches normally get to change their coordinators once, and then if things don't improve, they get fired.
Usually true, and that one time has come, dont you think?

The question is, does Gary Barta feel his position as the AD is in peril (the answer should be yes, whether it truly is is another question)...and have the balls to tell Ferentz that he has to make a change now, or does he cower before Kirk....?
If Davis is forced out I hope that they give the position to BF. BF would either work out or they would get rid of KF if it didn't. I do think this is likely if they get rid of Davis. KF is going to want to make his last stand with BF as the offensive coordinator.
Its a great question. From KF’s perspective, does he really want to break in new coordinators at this stage of his career? Barta sounded like he was leaving all coaching hirings/firings up to Kirk, which is worrisome.
Our offenses have averaged a national ranking in the upper 60s to low 70s for most of the last decade... That has to change. Immediately.

Brian was to be Kirk's next OC. That was Kirk's plan, obviously. That plan is out the window. No chance in heck that happens now. Maybe in 4-5 years, but not now. The GD mentoring experiment crashed & burned worse than we could have imagined. Kirk needs to hit a grand slam with the next OC, or his days in IC will end next year. Iowa deserves a smash hit.

So who is out there? We need a young OC with aspirations of being a HC someday soon. A Bobby Diaco on the other side of the football. Someone who could be a HC now. Someone who would have total control of the offense, Zero oversight by Ferentz... Pay them more money than any assistant in the country (using Kirk's bonuses, seriously). So much $$ that everyone in the media is talking about it for the next year. I want national attention, we need it...

Give me some names. Who is out there?

The current state of the program is beyond any coordinator coming here and saving the day. And I can't imagine any good offensive or defensive coordinator even seriously considering Iowa given the current mess of Iowa football.
Its a great question. From KF’s perspective, does he really want to break in new coordinators at this stage of his career? Barta sounded like he was leaving all coaching hirings/firings up to Kirk, which is worrisome.

Even if Barta wanted to recommend staff changes it's a waste of time. Ferentz's contract leaves Barta with absolutely no leverage to change anything in the football program. And this should cost Barta his job. At the time Ferentz's contract was being "negotiated" didn't anyone within the athletic department or university object to such a one-sided deal? Doesn't the university or athletic department have legal counsel review contracts like this to make sure the university is protected from such bad arrangements??
The next OC well be Brian Ferentz. It's the only reason Greg Davis was hired in the first place. He couldn't give the OC to his 27 year old son with 3 years coaching experience right away. So he hired a guy who would retire in 4 to 5 years when his son would be more "qualified" to take over. It won't happen this year with the anti-KF temperature right now. I expect another year of Greg Davis and probably retire after the next semi-descent year before he names Brian.

Bingo! This was the plan all along. Clueless is so out of touch and idiotic that he might just try and do this anyway.
Kirk already cleaned out his staff and that has been a big flop. The problem is any coordinator who comes to Iowa will have Kirk's touch on things. So honestly, I don't think it matters at this point. Just my two cents.
Usually true, and that one time has come, dont you think?

The question is, does Gary Barta feel his position as the AD is in peril (the answer should be yes, whether it truly is is another question)...and have the balls to tell Ferentz that he has to make a change now, or does he cower before Kirk....?

I'm confused. You do know that Kirk's "one time" was 3 years ago right?
At every University but Iowa.

Well of course! This is Iowa. Golly gosh gee whiz we do things the right way. /puke

In my view it doesn't matter who's the next OC if even there will be a next under the KF regime. If Davis would retire and we could get the best up and coming OC in the country they will still be reigned in by Ferentz.

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