OT: Antonio Brown. Wow, just wow.

The whole "character" thing in the NFL is laughable. Randy Moss and Warren Sapp both got dinged hard in the draft. I guess it ended up working out because they got picked by better teams, but virtually no character issue is gonna disqualify you from the league if you can ball out. Ray Rice would have gotten another year or two if he had something left in the tank when the video surfaced. Vick went to the federal pen and got sued for spreading STDs but the league still welcomed him back. There was that guy who killed people in a DUI accident. No problemo. It's basically the Dantonio philosophy, as long as you are not in jail, you can play.

it's pretty bad. i've really gotten fed up with professional sports. hypocrisy is a term that comes to mind.
The whole "character" thing in the NFL is laughable. Randy Moss and Warren Sapp both got dinged hard in the draft. I guess it ended up working out because they got picked by better teams, but virtually no character issue is gonna disqualify you from the league if you can ball out. Ray Rice would have gotten another year or two if he had something left in the tank when the video surfaced. Vick went to the federal pen and got sued for spreading STDs but the league still welcomed him back. There was that guy who killed people in a DUI accident. No problemo. It's basically the Dantonio philosophy, as long as you are not in jail, you can play.
Makes me wanna puke every time I see Ray Lewis on TV getting praised.
The whole "character" thing in the NFL is laughable. Randy Moss and Warren Sapp both got dinged hard in the draft. I guess it ended up working out because they got picked by better teams, but virtually no character issue is gonna disqualify you from the league if you can ball out. Ray Rice would have gotten another year or two if he had something left in the tank when the video surfaced. Vick went to the federal pen and got sued for spreading STDs but the league still welcomed him back. There was that guy who killed people in a DUI accident. No problemo. It's basically the Dantonio philosophy, as long as you are not in jail, you can play.

Bad behavior is everywhere. The media points the NFL and celebrities out more. Look what we are willing to
put up with in DC or even Des Moines. It never ends.

A local rock star pediatrician harasses nurses big time and has bad pics of kids on his computer. The organization protects the rock star though they know about it. Mommies think its cool he thinks she's cute and giving the mommy and the kid special attention. The nurses are offended, but he's such a good pediatrician... and so on.

The 49ers signed an aging Steve Young to ridiculous contract and brought in the problem Nebraska RB and Young his career.
All we can do is shake our heads at these guys. These guys make the kind of money we dream of. And they are doing a job most of us would love to do. Yet it's like the Bull Durham movie; Meat; Million dollar talent, 10 cent brain.
I believe he has mental health issues. I compare it to Brittany Spears unraveling 10-12 years ago. You go, “oh wow, that person needs help.” I hate watching people have a breakdown in public like this.
Gawd, ESPN did a one on one with Brown. He said he wants to play in the NFL again and be a role model for young kids! Then the reporter asked if he needs to apologize to the women that he has been abusive towards. Brown said something along the lines that he was never abusive towards any women. The reporter asked if he has mental issues and Brown said "we all have mental issues."

That guy is beyond disturbed, big time. He also speaks like he has the education level of a second grader.
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Pretty clear the guy is a mentally disturbed person. He'll probably blow all his money some day and be either homeless or living in a shack and no one will want anything to do with him.
Could you imagine if you were a well educated, good hearted, hard working person and you had to live next door to that foul mouthed thug?!?!?
We just had someone like that move in. We live in a nice quiet neighborhood and here come these b!+ch @$$ hos and crackheads.....lol
Being a Steeler fan I'm soooo very glad he's not on the team! What a puke!
Yeah Tomlin put up with longer then I would have thought. But because he wasn't getting put in his place he was going to just keep pushing that line. Like a damn toddler being told to not do something. Once he got to be as accomplished as he was he got that entitled untouchable mindset to him and he thought he could have his own set of rules. If he wasn't as good as he was he wouldn't have had an inch of rope. Now the dude woud have to be lucky to get another shot frankly. And that's saying something...

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