open receivers


Well-Known Member
I realize we don't have the tallest or fastest receivers. Things can and are done to get people open. Back shoulder routes are indefensible. Don't tell me a our huge TE can be covered in middle, throw away from defenders. If CJ thinks the windows are tight now, forget the NFL kid cause the windows of coverage there is even tighter.
CJ doesn't look like the same QB this year. He is not hitting receivers in tight spots like he did last year. His timing and accuracy are way off. He doesn't seem to see the field very well, either. With last years CJ we are 7-1 or 8-0.
There were several or more pass plays where TEs were wide open and CJ threw to probably the #1 target. Once Fant was 20 yards behind everyone about 35-40 yards downfield, another was a swingout/screen to Wadley to the left and CJ waited for Wadley to clear but CJ never looked at the other receivers and Kittle was wide wide open on the left. I am just reporting because I think CJ is a very good QB. maybe the idea is to get the ball to Wadley more in space, I dont know, but CJ does not seem to be scanning the field as good as last year, maybe it is all the pressure he has been under this year, maybe he doesnt want to get clobbered all the time waiting for open receivers.

Most times this year when CJ has time and space and an open receiver he hits him as the beautiful throw to McCarron last week at Purdue shows.
CJ never threw a lot of normal tight passes last year. He did a lot of misdirection that was tight. He's never been a "throw it in the hole type QB"

Over the shoulder throws are hard to complete and very defensible by deep safeties crushing the impact. HF teams lived off this during the day defensively. Teams don't do it much anymore.
There is nobody open. Wisconsin defensive backs were running the routes for our receivers.. Easy to see if you're at the games. If they do happen to get open, CJ misses them with a bad throw. This group of receivers is not even FCS level.