On Sherman Dillard...


Spoke with someone last night familiar with him, and the overall staff Iowa has put together, and someone that has been in and around Iowa hoops for a long time, as well as hoops on a national basis...

Said that Dillard instantly brings connections and relationships with 20-30 of the top AAU programs in the nation, given his role with Nike the last several years as Global Camp Director.

Also said that in Dillard and Speraw, McCaffery has added two assistant coaches that can spend quite a bit of time on player development, while McCaffery manages it all..plus throw in Francis, and you have three assistants that have been in the recruiting battles for a number of years, and each brings different areas of strength around the nation.

The combined head coaching experience that is on the Iowa staff right now is quite impressive...15 years for Speraw...over a decade for Dillard...and McCaffery has been a head coach since the mid 1980's. You have a head coach that is showing he is not afraid of bringing in others that are peers, people that can say 'Perhaps we should look at doing things this way'...something we did not see from Lickliter, and something we didn't see from Alford until the last two years after he brought in Craig Neal.

Throw in Ryan Bowen, who along with Speraw have the former Iowa angle, and it's impressive. I still think it's possible Horner could be added later this summer.

We haven't seen a recruiting staff like this since Raveling was in town...and I have heard that from several people that have been around the program since before Raveling was at Iowa. In fact, Raveling likely played a role in Dillard's hire, as McCaffery sought out Raveling to talk about the nuances of the Iowa job several weeks back.

We'll see how they do..they have to land talent..but this staff is not going to fail because they don't know the game..it will come down to how well they can recruit.
Thanks Jon. Information like this makes me really hope we get Ware for one year and then focus on recruiting a great class for 2011-12.
I will fully admit to being less than impressed with the hire, initially. However, since taking the job, every thing Caff does impresses me even more. From his recruiting, to his courting of the alumni ballplayers, to building his staff. He looks at things honestly, with a what needs done attitude, then goes out and does it.

Now with word of a new possible recruit from NC, he's expanded Iowa BB recruiting further than I can remember, and it's only been a little over a month. he may miss on some of the early targets, but just getting a foot in will help down the road.

This is the first time since Alford's early years that I've been excited, at all, about an upcoming season. And the most excited I've been about the program, in general, in a much longer time. I almost hate having these kinds of expectations for a guy that hasn't even coached a game yet, but it's been a long time since someone has done the things he has.
I very much agree. When Fran was named coach, I said "huh". He has not buckled under presssure to hire fast and he seems to have made very calculated moves. At this point, he has done about all anyone could have expected and is pulling fan base together as well. I just hope fans show their appreciation by sitting in seats at CHA immediately and give him time. Players still need development.
Jon is really on to something here. We obviously have in our new Coach a guy who is not afraid to surround himself with talent and experience. He is not afraid to NOT be the smartest guy in the room. We have a guy who clearly believes in collaboration. When I saw the staff Lick put together my heart fell. I knew it was going to be a struggle. LaVall and Joel were not even trusted enough to make an offer to a kid. They mostly served as practice players to help the players learn the system. Doubt that will be the case with Fran.

Having a head coach who is eager to get other ideas and input makes me really happy. And I think really we will look back in a few years and say our coach made all the right moves.
Fran, so far just seems to be making really solid moves. I'm starting to get my excitement level up again.
We all have to realize this first year or two aren't going to be great, but we should see improved play and a level of play we all want to see, that we haven't seen for a while.
Very good hire(s).
I think this will really help Iowa land some solid recruits in the future. Things are looking good!
The other positive thing about the other asst's having HC exp is that the only way they get back to those heights again (HC D1) is if they succeed at Iowa so they will be highly motivated to turn this program around with Fran. Sounds like some good hires and everyone from Fran on down will be doing whatever they can to turn this thing around. Now just need to get them on the recruiting trail for next year and put their connections to use.
The promise is there. Now they need to turn that promise into something tangible. A couple people have talked about how they are impressed with FM's recruiting. He has lost more committed recruits than he has signed.

Running out to California and NC to try to get recruits to come to Iowa might look impressive, but if you can't get the kids here, it is a waste of resources - kind of like that European trip.

What's the point? The point is exactly what Jon wrote. It will all come down to recruiting and the jury is still out on that front. It appears the pieces are there for recruiting success, but we will still have to see.
Spoke with someone last night familiar with him, and the overall staff Iowa has put together, and someone that has been in and around Iowa hoops for a long time, as well as hoops on a national basis...

Said that Dillard instantly brings connections and relationships with 20-30 of the top AAU programs in the nation, given his role with Nike the last several years as Global Camp Director.

Also said that in Dillard and Speraw, McCaffery has added two assistant coaches that can spend quite a bit of time on player development, while McCaffery manages it all..plus throw in Francis, and you have three assistants that have been in the recruiting battles for a number of years, and each brings different areas of strength around the nation.

The combined head coaching experience that is on the Iowa staff right now is quite impressive...15 years for Speraw...over a decade for Dillard...and McCaffery has been a head coach since the mid 1980's. You have a head coach that is showing he is not afraid of bringing in others that are peers, people that can say 'Perhaps we should look at doing things this way'...something we did not see from Lickliter, and something we didn't see from Alford until the last two years after he brought in Craig Neal.

Throw in Ryan Bowen, who along with Speraw have the former Iowa angle, and it's impressive. I still think it's possible Horner could be added later this summer.

We haven't seen a recruiting staff like this since Raveling was in town...and I have heard that from several people that have been around the program since before Raveling was at Iowa. In fact, Raveling likely played a role in Dillard's hire, as McCaffery sought out Raveling to talk about the nuances of the Iowa job several weeks back.

We'll see how they do..they have to land talent..but this staff is not going to fail because they don't know the game..it will come down to how well they can recruit.

Great job Jon! Have you heard if Barta is planning to do anything to improve attendence at Carver Arena? Change the student seating? lower the prices? Attendence plays a huge role in attracting talent.
Great job Jon! Have you heard if Barta is planning to do anything to improve attendence at Carver Arena? Change the student seating? lower the prices? Attendence plays a huge role in attracting talent.

This would be a good way to increase student attendance...I went to a game last year and they moved the student section even further in the corner...as long as they're not making any money on tickets to begin with they should do what MSU does and line students all around the lower section of the arena.
This is by far the most impressive coaching staff I have even witnessed at Iowa. I only go back 30 some years, but as far as an asst coaching staff, it's simply incredible.

I'm still floored that Speraw fell into our lap.
I think the "next man in" philosophy will be in play with this coaching staff as well. I don't anticipate Speraw being here long-term, and I can't imagine Bowen to stay in his position for a decade either. The nice thing right now is that there are quite a few former players who are worthy and willing candidates to step in and replace those holes as they open.
What's the smartest thing a good manager can do -- surround himself/herself with good people. That is exactly what Fran has done. Very wise.
By surrounding himself with good people Fran has certiantly pushed all the right buttons to this point.

The next obstacle as far as the program is concerned is not necessarily something he has a lot of control over but I hope he has some ideas: overall marketing of the program. They have come out and said ticket prices will not increase but they need to get creative and actively market Iowa BB.

In order to try and cultivate a lost generation of Iowa BB fans they need to reach out to younger families and try and make it affordable for them to attend games. Create a family seating section or some sort of discounted knothole section deal for parents who pay full price child admitted at a reduced rate.

Sorry to deviate from the topic of the thread....I'm really excited about the future of Iowa BB.
Why would he come to Iowa? Seems like this guy can pretty much write his own ticket...I'm perplexed.

Has he ever been here before?? :)
I have to say that on paper,this hire of Sherm Dillard just tops off what seems to be a great staff.
I think Dillard ties it all together on the single most important factor in program success these days...recruiting.
And the most important factor in recruiting these days? Having great relationships with AAU Clubs...lets not kid ourselves about that.
And the most important influence in AAU clubs these days? Shoe company money.

If I could draw up a wish list for assistants in advance,one would be a Sherman Dillard type guy. It is a huge bonus that he has all the div 1 high major coaching experience and head coaching experience.

I almost feel like this was kind of a make-good gift from George Raveling to Iowa bb fans...he left the program abruptly and has expressed some regret for that over the years. Now, he has offered up Sherman Dillard, as a token of his affection for the program....could be wrong on that,but it just feels that way to me.

Thanks,George, and congrats to Sherman Dillard...and to Fran for the excellent decision-making since arriving at Iowa. Now, go out and get some recruits and win some games!!
This is by far the most impressive coaching staff I have even witnessed at Iowa. I only go back 30 some years, but as far as an asst coaching staff, it's simply incredible.

I'm still floored that Speraw fell into our lap.

Agree 100%. The names may not be earth shattering but the overall makeup of the coaching staff is overwhelming.

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