OK4P Statement on DJK


Well-Known Member
At this point, all we have is limited information. DJK has only been arrested, he has yet to be indicted or convicted of any crime. He may have multiple defenses available, he may have been the victim of an overzealous, anti-Iowa football task force. He may have been framed. They may have been someone else's substances. There may not have been any substances at all.

We should not rush to judgment on this youngster and we should give him the benefit of the doubt until such time as the legal process has run its course. DJK should be allowed to travel with the team and should be allowed to participate in all team activities until the legal process has played out.
At this point, all we have is limited information. DJK has only been arrested, he has yet to be indicted or convicted of any crime. He may have multiple defenses available, he may have been the victim of an overzealous, anti-Iowa football task force. He may have been framed. They may have been someone else's substances. There may not have been any substances at all.

We should not rush to judgment on this youngster and we should give him the benefit of the doubt until such time as the legal process has run its course. DJK should be allowed to travel with the team and should be allowed to participate in all team activities until the legal process has played out.

Good post. Doesn't look promising right now but he hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

This looks really bad so I can see why lots of people are upset. Say what you want about the kid, at least he didn't quit.
He admitted using the drugs and tested positive for them. Even if all the charges are thrown out, he is ineligible per NCAA rules.
Its unreal to me, how young men throw away potentially bright futures...through rank stupidity. Its sad to watch someone with so much potential...self destruct...a genuine human tragedy. I hope the young man gets himself straightened out...for him, its no longer about football, but about fixing a life that he has thrown into the dumpster.
Okay, so now it sounds like he has allegedly admitted use to the police. Again, if Iowa is going to be a top tier football program, they need a guy to watch out for these kids. I would do it if I lived in IC - you're drunk at a bar and don't want to drive home, call me. The cops come up and talk to you about anything other than a parking violation or the game - call me. The cops raid your house - call me. You have a bunch of pictures of you with a bunch of cash on a kitchen table, don't call me, you don't know me or Iowa football.

I think he just got in with the wrong crew, this roomate character sounds shady and he should get a double punishment for contributing to the delinquency of an Iowa football legend.
Its unreal to me, how young men throw away potentially bright futures...through rank stupidity. Its sad to watch someone with so much potential...self destruct...a genuine human tragedy. I hope the young man gets himself straightened out...for him, its no longer about football, but about fixing a life that he has thrown into the dumpster.

Easy with the generalizations. He made a few bad decisions. I know people who have done far worse and turned out okay.

We don't know how this will play out in court. He may still get drafted, although these are red flags on the character.
Okay, so now it sounds like he has allegedly admitted use to the police. Again, if Iowa is going to be a top tier football program, they need a guy to watch out for these kids. I would do it if I lived in IC - you're drunk at a bar and don't want to drive home, call me. The cops come up and talk to you about anything other than a parking violation or the game - call me. The cops raid your house - call me. You have a bunch of pictures of you with a bunch of cash on a kitchen table, don't call me, you don't know me or Iowa football.

I think he just got in with the wrong crew, this roomate character sounds shady and he should get a double punishment for contributing to the delinquency of an Iowa football legend.
You are really not looking at the facts. He had marijuana and cocaine in his system. I don't think his roommate force him to take the drugs. DJK also had pictures of him using those drugs. Someone just doesn't start doing something because of a roommate. A Senior in college should have enough maturity to not be influenced by other people. If he knew he was living with a drug dealer you call the cops and move out. He should not kept living in the apartment
If the part in the Hawkcentral article where it states he had electronic media of himself doing drugs is true, it's a genuine mind-boggler.
These kids need someone to watch out for their rights when the cops come chasing them down. NEVER TALK TO THE COPS AND NEVER ADMIT ANYTHING TO THE COPS. If DJK wasn't living with a drug dealer, he would have been fine, which is why the program needs to run a 10 second Iowa Courts Online search on everyone's roommate to make sure they aren't living with some drug dealer or thief who could be a bad influence or someone who is going to get a search warrant run on their place. I'd bet a decent number of ballplayers have smoked the weed and might have it in their possession and maybe even have pills or something (didn't the NFL's wonderboy Favre have some pill issues in his past?) so these guys don't need any chance run-ins with Johnny Law when their roomies think they are Scarface in IC. My buddy got a motion to supress for one of his clients when the dude got popped with some dro in connection with a search warrant on his roommate where the cops executed the warrant on the suspect and then rifled through all of the non-suspect roommate's belongings beyond the scope of looking for weapons, etc. that could harm Johnny Law.

Once you start admitting stuff is yours and giving whiz quizzes on demand, you're a sitting duck and the odds of getting a motion to supress are going to go way down, and there will be plenty of other evidence to convict you on anyway. The real shame here is the U's failure to keep DJK in a situation where he could fly under the radar and failure to have someone advise these kids of their rights as soon as Johnny Law starts coming around. 10:1 DJK fell for the old "If you just fess up right now, it will be a lot easier." Yeah, easier for those clowns to get a conviction and send your butt to jail.
These kids need someone to watch out for their rights when the cops come chasing them down. NEVER TALK TO THE COPS AND NEVER ADMIT ANYTHING TO THE COPS. If DJK wasn't living with a drug dealer, he would have been fine, which is why the program needs to run a 10 second Iowa Courts Online search on everyone's roommate to make sure they aren't living with some drug dealer or thief who could be a bad influence or someone who is going to get a search warrant run on their place. I'd bet a decent number of ballplayers have smoked the weed and might have it in their possession and maybe even have pills or something (didn't the NFL's wonderboy Favre have some pill issues in his past?) so these guys don't need any chance run-ins with Johnny Law when their roomies think they are Scarface in IC. My buddy got a motion to supress for one of his clients when the dude got popped with some dro in connection with a search warrant on his roommate where the cops executed the warrant on the suspect and then rifled through all of the non-suspect roommate's belongings beyond the scope of looking for weapons, etc. that could harm Johnny Law.

Once you start admitting stuff is yours and giving whiz quizzes on demand, you're a sitting duck and the odds of getting a motion to supress are going to go way down, and there will be plenty of other evidence to convict you on anyway. The real shame here is the U's failure to keep DJK in a situation where he could fly under the radar and failure to have someone advise these kids of their rights as soon as Johnny Law starts coming around. 10:1 DJK fell for the old "If you just fess up right now, it will be a lot easier." Yeah, easier for those clowns to get a conviction and send your butt to jail.
That's the real shame in all this? The convicts in the fanbase are certainly using the anonymous Hawk forums to prove their wisdom is equal to DJKs
That's the real shame in all this? The convicts in the fanbase are certainly using the anonymous Hawk forums to prove their wisdom is equal to DJKs

Yes that's the real shame. If DJK kept his mouth shut, didn't offer the whiz quiz and lawyered up ASAP when the fuzz showed up, he would probably be looking at a much better plea bargain than he will get now. Any reasonable football coach should have an expectation that he's gonna have guys getting arrested, thus in the same manner the NFL now has those financial programs for rookies, Ferentz should run a similar program where they have criminal defense attorneys going in there every year and reminding guys of their rights when the Law comes knocking.
DJK Has been 1 of my all time favorite iowa football players. With that said I cannot wait for someone to shattered his all time records here at iowa. Iowai football is supposed to beat about something Athletes that commit violent crimes ,crimes involving narcotics , and just felonies in general Dismantle what that something is all about.

If the facts of the story change And it turns out that his room mate was somehow involved with the russian mafia and Derell Made his confessions Only to save the lives of people he truly cared about than I will gladly eat crow in apologize. Somehow though I feel like My stance is pretty well justified. I can't wait for that record to fall.

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