OK so how long has Barta known about this?


Well-Known Member
Reason I ask-

Someone who was evidently close to the program said a replacement was already in place... not sure if that is true, but if it is a resignation, Barta may have been on the phone all week calling Mr. Oyster.
So when will this go down? If true I'm betting a Monday press conference to announce Lick is "stepping down".
If Barta already has a replacement ready to go, Steve Lavin really looks like he could be a much higher possibility because he's not currently working.
I'm sure Barta has been testing the waters. Before you force a guy out you want to know how the market perceives your opening. If the rumors are true, Barta seems to believe acting quickly is in the program's best interest. If Lick resigns, my guess is Barta has pretty good idea how the coaching search will unfold.
There is this Steve Alford guy that seems to be having some success at the school he is currently at. I wonder if he might be....

nah even I can't finish that train of thought without laughing too hard.
If Barta already has a replacement ready to go, Steve Lavin really looks like he could be a much higher possibility because he's not currently working.

He needs to take his wife on recruiting trips. ;) One look at her, and any teenage guy would sign a letter of intent.
Reason I ask-

Someone who was evidently close to the program said a replacement was already in place... not sure if that is true, but if it is a resignation, Barta may have been on the phone all week calling Mr. Oyster.

Springsteen, from what i have heard from a source close to the program is that the players were the ones who forced Barta's hand just yesterday. what i was told was they went to Barta and asked who's it gonna be (leaving) us or coach, so Barta told Todd yesterday to resign or be fired. take it for what its worth
Springsteen, from what i have heard from a source close to the program is that the players were the ones who forced Barta's hand just yesterday. what i was told was they went to Barta and asked who's it gonna be (leaving) us or coach, so Barta told Todd yesterday to resign or be fired. take it for what its worth

Well, Lickliter said in his post game that he will be the coach until he is told otherwise. So....he won't be resigning.
Springsteen, from what i have heard from a source close to the program is that the players were the ones who forced Barta's hand just yesterday. what i was told was they went to Barta and asked who's it gonna be (leaving) us or coach, so Barta told Todd yesterday to resign or be fired. take it for what its worth

Sure a lot of people with sources close to the program reporting different things today. Listening to the players the last couple of days, it seems more likely that they are saying that lick needs to stay to keep them at the school. from what quotes i have seen, they want to play for lick.

all this makes for fun and interesting reading, but all in all, i belive nothing until a hear at a news conf from a U of I person.
Sure a lot of people with sources close to the program reporting different things today. Listening to the players the last couple of days, it seems more likely that they are saying that lick needs to stay to keep them at the school. from what quotes i have seen, they want to play for lick.

all this makes for fun and interesting reading, but all in all, i belive nothing until a hear at a news conf from a U of I person.

i too am waiting for the announcement but i have 100% trust my source is accurate. he stated over 3 months ago "dont be suprised if lick is forced out and states he's resigning for 'health reasons'". what do you know, today is the day pandoras box has been opened and that is one of the things being tossed around. i believe we'll know the truth by monday, and that will finally be the end of lickliter.
i too am waiting for the announcement but i have 100% trust my source is accurate. he stated over 3 months ago "dont be suprised if lick is forced out and states he's resigning for 'health reasons'". what do you know, today is the day pandoras box has been opened and that is one of the things being tossed around. i believe we'll know the truth by monday, and that will finally be the end of lickliter.

i hear what you are saying, but he had his health issues 3 months ago, and many of us at that time wondered whether or not he could go the distance or not. But as the season moved along, it became more evident that he was healthy enough to go the distance. my point is that many people could have said the same thing your source said. And at that time i belive that anyone saying that had a 50% chance to be right.

truely i wish this man the best for his health, but it is time for him to go...

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