Ok Pick Your Hawks


Well-Known Member
Your Favorite : Wegher (pending)

Most Underrated: Morse

Break out Year : Reisner

MVP off: Stanzi

MVP def: Greenwood.

Don't be that guy and list three at each position.
Favorite: MMcN#7

Most Underrated: Greenwood

Break out Year: DJK (I think he's going to be one of the top 5 receivers in the nation this season)

MVP off: DJK -or- Hampton

MVP def: AC.

Sorry about breaking your rule and listing two picks for O-MVP. Pls don't hurt me or neg-rep me. :D
Favorite: Clayborn

Most Underrated: Hunter

Breakout Year Offense: Kennan Davis
Breakout Year Defense: Hyde--heard he could be one of the best we have had in a LONG time

MVP Offense: Stanzi

MVP Defense: Sash--I would say Clayborn but teams will double/triple team him so Sash will be making lots of big plays like last year (could also see Klug here)
Favorite: DJK (got to talk to him once, he's a great guy, LOTS of personality obviously)
Underrated: there's several guys here, hard to choose just one. But I'm going to go with A-Rob. He seems to get shortchanged even by our own fanbase.
Breakout Offense: Gonna go with Reisner here
Breakout Defense: Ballard
OMVP: Stanzi
DMVP: Sash (I love AC, but Sash is just, well, TMFS)
Favorite - Mike Daniels - love his blue collar work ethic and intensity, and watching video of him and seeing pics of him bench 140# dumbbells (are you f'ing kidding me?) just made me that much bigger a fan. (Yes, I may be developing a mancrush.)

Underrated - Hunter - w/o a doubt, in my mind. And I think his absence at OSU was never recognized nearly as much as it should've been, and this season he will destroy some people.

Breakout O - Big Zus. Just have a feeling (and really, really hope he plays well).

Breakout D - Nielsen - we've all heard about his athleticism and know he was a huge recruit, now it's time to show what he's got.

O MVP - Reiff - I'm looking at this is "who would it hurt to lose the most?" (And that interview where he gave all the short answers was AWESOME!)

D MVP - AC - he'll draw so much attention that everybody else on D will benefit, and hence the D overall will be better.
Favorite - Mike Daniels - love his blue collar work ethic and intensity, and watching video of him and seeing pics of him bench 140# dumbbells (are you f'ing kidding me?) just made me that much bigger a fan. (Yes, I may be developing a mancrush.)

Underrated - Hunter - w/o a doubt, in my mind. And I think his absence at OSU was never recognized nearly as much as it should've been, and this season he will destroy some people.

Breakout O - Big Zus. Just have a feeling (and really, really hope he plays well).

Breakout D - Nielsen - we've all heard about his athleticism and know he was a huge recruit, now it's time to show what he's got.

O MVP - Reiff - I'm looking at this is "who would it hurt to lose the most?" (And that interview where he gave all the short answers was AWESOME!)

D MVP - AC - he'll draw so much attention that everybody else on D will benefit, and hence the D overall will be better.

Wow, that's just spooky. Nearly every one of those guys was my #2 choice (everyone but Daniels), and several of the reasonings behind your choices were why they were so high in my mind (especially Nielsen and AC).
Favorite: DJK (got to talk to him once, he's a great guy, LOTS of personality obviously)
Underrated: there's several guys here, hard to choose just one. But I'm going to go with A-Rob. He seems to get shortchanged even by our own fanbase.
Breakout Offense: Gonna go with Reisner here
Breakout Defense: Ballard
OMVP: Stanzi
DMVP: Sash (I love AC, but Sash is just, well, TMFS)

Appreciate your sentiments re the players I picked, but looking at yours, I can't disagree w/ any of your choices. Look at other people's choices - there really are a ton of players on this team that you have confidence in and want to succeed b/c they come across not only as potentially good/great football players, but pretty cool and good people. The reason Swingin' Dick Stanzi wears all those bracelets? - basically for kids w/ cancer. How can you not admire someone like that and hope that he succeeds in life? AC driving to Albia to meet w/ some kids in an elementary classroom? Awesome. It's people like that that make me appreciate IA even more, and in particular the Captain and the staff he surrounds himself w/, and recently the type of student athletes they recruit. It's corny and hokey, but I genuinely appreciate the blue collar work ethic and mentality of the players and coaches I cheer for, in particular being so far from that mindset.
Your Favorite : Wegher (pending)

Most Underrated: Morse

Break out Year : Reisner

MVP off: Stanzi

MVP def: Greenwood.

Don't be that guy and list three at each position.

Favorite Player: The Patriot

Most Underrated: Vandervelde

Breakout Year: Tarpinian

MVP O: Stanzi

MVP D: Adrian
Your Favorite : DJK

Most Underrated: Hunter

Breakout O: Hampton

Breakout D: T Nielsen

MVP off: Hampton

MVP def: Clayborn
I love Clayborn but I don't think he will be MVP if you judge by numbers. People will double team him all the time and run away from him.
Favorite: Sash/AROB

Underrated: Hunter & Ballard

Breakout in 2010: K Davis/ DeAndre Johnson

Off MVP: Stanzi

Def MVP: Clayborne - D Line as a a squad
Favorite: Clayborn/Stanzi

Underrated: Ballard

Breakout: Hampton/Tarp

Off Mvp: Stanzi

Def Mvp: Clayborn

Overall MVP Clayborn he is best def end Iowa has had in a generation.

Favorite: DJK

Most underrated: Prater

Breakout: Cheaney

MVP Offense: DJK

^This^, other than I would choose Klug as most underrated.

I especially like your choice of breakout. He's the fastest guy on the team and will want to show his stuff after his knee injury last year.
Your Favorite : Stanzi

Most Underrated: Hunter

Break out Year Offense: Sandemann

Break out Year Defense: B. Davis

MVP off: Stanzi

MVP def: Clayborn