Ok. It's time

Whining about an individual player after beating the number 3 team in the country on the road is just weird.
I'm not sure what the OP is talking about...Woodbury got 14 minutes today, Uthoff 26 and Oglesthree had 17. What he's asking for, other than the starting position, is already happening. A couple of things to think about, Woody needs to play to develop...it's the bottom line and there are games that are going to suit him, so play him more minutes in those games. Secondly, he understand position defense and, honestly, I don't think he gets a fair shake on some of the fouls he gets.

Uthoff is going to demand more playing time as I don't think it's a co-winky-dink that alot of our runs offensively happen when he's on the floor. That being said, both he and Basabe deserve more time...and that may come at the expense of McCabe. If McCabe goes 0-8 like he did today, he's going to get less minutes.

I thought Fran substituted beautifully today and found the combination he wanted during that critical run. I also thought Gessell played very well and didn't turn it over...he ran the team well.

<<I'm not sure what the OP is talking about...>>

I'm sure the OP has ZERO clue what he is talking about. Par for THAT course, if one read any of his posts on the Football board this past season...

And Woodbury DOES get some bad calls against him, as does Gabe. We're a year--or ten--away from getting the "Craft Treatment"!
Yes. They do. Plus/minus over a large sample size take all of that into account as to how your team overall performs when you are on the floor. It's meaningless for 1 game and can be determined on luck, but over a large sample size it takes all of those things into account. The player on Iowa currently that is having the least positive effect on plus/minus points scored when he's in the game is Adam Woodbury.

No, they don't. This metric actually measures how much the point spread would change if the player was not in the line-up. The fact that he only plays 16 minutes per game, plus the fact that we have others that can fill in at his the position (good replacement factor), is the reason why his is so small. This metric is used for point spread only and is not intended to determine a player's ability.
No, they don't. This metric actually measures how much the point spread would change if the player was not in the line-up. The fact that he only plays 16 minutes per game, plus the fact that we have others that can fill in at his the position (good replacement factor), is the reason why his is so small. This metric is used for point spread only and is not intended to determine a player's ability.

That is actually 100% incorrect. Literally not 1 thing u just said is accurate lol. Also you can run it at per 40 min and comes out the same.
That is actually 100% incorrect. Literally not 1 thing u just said is accurate lol. Also you can run it at per 40 min and comes out the same.

You're just wrong and you have no clue what you're talking about. The offensive component measures points per possession when a person is in there, with emphasis on points scored by the player. It also measures offense by your replacement and % of points a player scores of the points scored when he plays. Scoring is definitely Woodbury's thing right now.

The defensive component measures blocked shots, steals, and rebounds.

None of the things I mentioned in my first post are measured by this metric, so using this to evaluate him is worthless. Not that you care. Don't let facts or basketball knowledge influence you. Troll on while the rest of us enjoy the win!
You're just wrong and you have no clue what you're talking about. The offensive component measures points per possession when a person is in there, with emphasis on points scored by the player. It also measures offense by your replacement and % of points a player scores of the points scored when he plays. Scoring is definitely Woodbury's thing right now.

The defensive component measures blocked shots, steals, and rebounds.

None of the things I mentioned in my first post are measured by this metric, so using this to evaluate him is worthless. Not that you care. Don't let facts or basketball knowledge influence you. Troll on while the rest of us enjoy the win!

You are talking about player value/WAR type statistics. I am talking about plus/minus statistics which are a completely different stat. Shhh.
Just saw this. Guess you all better rag on Jon Miller. Who's first? lol

Jon Miller@HawkeyeNation2h
Marble, Gesell, Uthoff, Basabe and White is by far the best five. Just don't see it much until late. Time to trim rotation further (34)

Is this the same Jon Miller that thought the play Iowa ran in the 1st half of the Michigan game that got picked off was a terrible call, but when it resulted in a touchdown in the 2nd half, was an outstanding call? Just because he runs a website, doesn't mean he knows jack about basketball or football. He's proven that in the past and continues to do so. You have to understand how substitution patterns work, etc. Sheesh!
I will trust the Iowa coaching staff on this call. In my opinion he is further ahead than Brad Lohaus was as a sophomore. Brad went on to develop in his Junior year to become very good and was drafted and played in the NBA. If I have a concern it is who is going to step up and fill Marble's shoes next year? It was one hell of a win today and I am going to enjoy watching this one again on the DVR. As I posted on another thread a few days ago that we needed this to have a signature win that would propel us to the NCAA final four.
This is adorable. Go look at advanced stats and then come back and talk to me.

(Hint: His plus/minus numbers are the worst of any of Iowa's main rotation players)

My God! You think playing time should be determined by stats?! Unbelievable. Woody does so much on defense that never shows up statistically. Yeah, he doesn't have a signature move yet. Yeah, he's not a real offensive threat yet. Does that mean he's ineffective? No way. How many times did Utoff get beat in the lower line of the zone defense that Woody, Mel and Gabe got fouls called on them trying to recover from a simple baseline drive that never should have happened?
Beat the #3 team in the country and time to switch the starting lineup. How about no?

Uthoff is good enough to start and he knows that but he is important to provide a scoring threat for the 2nd unit.

And we've tried playing without a center and how'd that turnout??
IDK, I think he needs to play about what he is playing. Definitely not strong enough with boards, positioning, etc. But not a total liability either. He just needs to be set up to succeed at this point in his career, and that means a touch here and there, and focus on grabbing boards and altering shots.
You are talking about player value/WAR type statistics. I am talking about plus/minus statistics which are a completely different stat. Shhh.

So taking it to the NBA level, where they keep that stat consistently... you're saying this year JJ Redick (#7), Klay Thompson (#10) and Ricky Rubio (#23) are all better than LeBron James (#42) (as well as 38 other guys). FAIL. Once again, you simply cannot quantify everything in sports into meaningful data.
Lies, damn lies, and statistics. Mark Twain said it and it still rings true. You can take your plus/minus and put it where the sun don't shine. Woody is far from a liability.

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