Oglesby..Harnessing the Confidence

Not ripping the kid. I actually think he is better than what I thought he would be and see some real promise in his game.

Well think back to wHen Gatens was a Frosh. Didn't he play almost the same way Oglesby is now before Lick had him adding weight? He will be just fine with that shot. Just need to work on some footwork and quickness. Experience from this year will do wonders for his game next year.
I really like Josh. I think he can be as good as Gatens, he just won't have the numbers that Gatens did due to the dynamics of the team. In essence he will be what Gatens "should" have been and will get to play that role because of the teams he is on.
Not talking about just today. All season long.

He was 39.5 coming into today. He went 3 out of 4 today so he should be over 40% on the season. He has had some good streaks this year, at one point he was over 45% and leading the team.
He also won't have Gatens always drawing the other teams best perimeter defender next season. Nevertheless, he's clearly our best 3 point shooter (though McCabe is surprisingly close) and for that reason is basically a lock to start at the two next year.

Oglesby likely won't draw the best defender, either. He hasn't shown the kind of all-round game yet to demand that. Marble is more likely to draw the best perimeter defender, IMO.
Collect my thoughts? Yeah, kind of like you claiming that Iowa needs a shot in the arm so let's go get transfers and wait for a year. Way to imply that they need something immediate and then contradict yourself. Never mind the fact that meanwhile we've got a great recruiting class coming in next season. I agreed with you earlier that if there is a Harrison Barnes type looking to transfer then Fran needs to get on the phone. I agreed that if there was a Reggie Evans out there then Fran should go the JUCO route. I disagreed with you when you implied that we should sit here and hope and pray for either. I'm guessing that Fran knows a hell of a lot more about what he's doing than what your opinion is. I said that I'm more than content with what he has done. As to McCabes three point %, it was clearly a question as to what % he had as well as a statement that I hadn't seen him make enough at a regular clip to justify him being called the best after Oglesby. I concede that saying he's missed every one I've seen him take was a bit harsh but it was followed up with a question behind it.
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Shuman, if you're going to discuss Iowa basketball, then you should probably actually watch the games.
If you've got a problem with a question being asked I think you are in the wrong place fella. I never claimed that I have the opportunity to watch every single Iowa basketball game. I said that he has shot poorly from 3 in the games I have been able to watch which is better than half. If you think watching every game is required for a forum conversation you are mistaken. Like I said, it was a question. It was answered by someone other than you.
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If you've got a problem with a question being asked I think you are in the wrong place fella. I never claimed that I have the opportunity to watch every single Iowa basketball game. I said that he has shot poorly from 3 in the games I have been able to watch which is better than half. If you think watching every game is required for a forum conversation you are mistaken. Like I said, it was a question. It was answered by someone other than you.
You can watch every game or you can shut your mouth when you talk to me.
McCabe with updated stats, shot 42.5 % from 3, so he is not a weak link in shooting 3's.
Marble and White both can shoot the 3, and Gesell is a much better shooter from 3 than Cartwright, May when healthy is 35% from 3.
this team will have more shooters and more size to put on the court, next season, this a team on the rise, and will have very few weak spots

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