It's too close to kickoff, so I will drink your uncle's Busch Light, run out at half and get some real beer. Until then, cheers bitches!! Go Hawks!!Opponent: My Trashy Slutty Uncle
Time: 11am CDT
Location: Kinnick
Television: ESecPN2
Play-By-Play: Kevin Brown
Analyst: Andre Ware
Opponent: My Trashy Slutty Uncle
Time: 11am CDT
Location: Kinnick
Television: ESecPN2
Play-By-Play: Kevin Brown
Analyst: Andre Ware
After the first 10 they all taste the same!It's too close to kickoff, so I will drink your uncle's Busch Light, run out at half and get some real beer. Until then, cheers bitches!! Go Hawks!!
would like to see more of vanvalkenberg and the de kid from dowling whose name is escaping me, today.
After the first 10 they all taste the same!
That was pretty easy