Official Iowa v Wisconsin Game Thread

Bull*^D* Fran lost this game. Bo had Zip to do with this outcome.

Fran absolutely lost this game. You can't go on the road at No. 4 and spot them 5 freebies because the bench can't keep their D - - - mouth shut. Nice job Fran way to give a key loss to your team.
If we had made half of the shots under the basket we would have won. I always wonder why we don't use the backboard, aim for the white square behind the rim and it will go in almost every time....

Badger threes killed us.....

I pity them when they come to IC....

Announcer said Fran would be suspended for one game, probably was the nasty P**** Kelly. Wonder what the rule is. Shouldn't matter since the next game is at home against NW......

I feel really bad. I might go on a rampage again.....
Fran was trying to make a point & went to far, that simple. I feel bad for our players, played hard & was clearly the better team before Frans ejection. I know this, I'am dissapointed that the Hawks lost and Frans ejection was a major reason they lost but, I will take Frans passion for his kids over the emotionless Todd Lickliter any damn day of the week! Its early in the B1G conference season and the Hawks will win the needed games to make the dance,I firmly believe that, and if any of the fair weather fan want to get off the band wagon feel free to do so,I'am here for the long haul! GO HAWKS!!
rwtsracefan(Dan Wemett)
Seems like a lot of posters have lost faith in the Hawkeyes from what I saw in this thread. The game went down to the wire. It just seemed like a lot of people were calling an Iowa loss fairly early on. I'm guessing this was reaction to prevent hurt feelings in case they did lose. It's a normal human function. I'm not going to believe people are giving up on Iowa. In my case I didn't want to lose the optimism that I've gained from the end of the lick era.

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