!*****Official Dinosaurs @ Lions Game Thread*****!

Side line reporter verified that nobody is firing anybody up on the sideline. How amazingly sad. Football is an emotional sport. You only get a few games a year. What is wrong with this team?! We are really bad. Our offense can't move the ball at all any more. We can't do anything even decent on offense. On defense we are basically playing with ten or less guys. Hey my least favorite player; way to get the message from coach to trust your eyes.

'Sr leadership lost'.... we did hear that a lot in August - 'we lost 21 Sr's who had great chemistry'.... in a developmental program - maybe the largest factor.
Xerxes actually said this to me in a different thread. And I quote: "At Iowa you have to pay someone 5 mil/yr to get mediocre results."

Something in the water supply has turned once intelligent Hawkeye fans into Gary Barta.

Funny but I deleted a comment I was going to post about how passive Iowa fans have to be in the Iowa City area to not make life extremely uncomfortable for KF and Barta.