I'm curious as to what level of success the offense is going to need to have for BF to have been a good hire?
I will clarify that this isn't what I think the end goals should be, just what it will take to be optimistic about the future
I'm thinking some combination of:
- 27+ points per game
- 325+ yards per game avg
- average 150+ yards rushing
- average 175+ yards passing ******
- 70th ranked offense or better
- 60th ranked run offense or better
- 80th ranked passing offense or better*****
- 60th or better ranked 1st/3rd down offense.
- me not being able to call what the play will be 60+% of the time
Again, none of these stats are all that impressive, they are pretty avg, to below average, but most are huge improvements over the last 5 years.
I could be off on some of these, curious as to what some of you fine Hawkeye fans think.
If we can maintain a level of defense we have come to expect, even a pedestrian offense would take us to a higher level.
If you set the bar low enough, you'll never be disappointed.