Off Topic - Kansas?

You’re basing it on one game? That’s just stupid.
Boy, you got me there. Next time I'll be more obvious.
Sure, the data is in their favor, but Iowa beat Iowa State this year, so that's what I'm basing my objective commentary on. They'd all be playing for fourth place, at best, in the Big Ten this year.

Also played ISU without 2 starters.
I think the BIG is better up top, but I can't tell of the Big12 is just not that strong or the teams are all just equally good and keep beating on each other driving the rankings down
I think the Big 12 schedule is part of it too - since it's a round robin, all of the teams are very familiar with each other year after year. No great teams also makes it just harder to win on the road. I truly think 12-6 wins it this year.

If that indeed happens, it would be the first time for a 6 loss team to ever win it and the first time since going to 18 games for a 12 win team.
Was fortunate enough to attend the Maui Classic when Hawks were last there along with Texas. Attended the pre-tourny dinner with teams and coaches. Rick Barnes was very entertaining and the most likeable of the bunch. Have had a soft spot for him ever since.

On a side note we had just gotten settled in and were sipping on a drink in the hotel lounge decked out in our Iowa garb and a guy walks over and buys us a round. He introduces himself as Wayne Duke (ran tourney at time) while pointing to his Iowa ring and says this is why the Hawks are here. :) Louisville was staying in same motel and we kept bumping into Pitino in the hallway who the Hawks ended up playing. He would nod on the way by but after Hawks beat em it became a look of "you POS get out of my life!". He looked like even more of a snake in person. Gotta admit that Tourny was an Alfraud highlight as Hawks stole the show and couldn't have been much more fun, other than if woulda beat Roy boy in the finals...

Interesting note about Wayne Duke from Wikipedia. "Duke began his career in college athletics publicity at the University of Northern Iowa."
I was there this year. One all session ticket was 250.00 before the tourney and they sold out immediately. I could have sold single game tickets for 400.00 a piece. I was pretty dang tempted honestly. A ton of people took the trip with no tickets.
that is just crazy. I wonder if it is like that now every year, probably. Well the ones that didn't make the games had a pretty sweet consolation of the beach in Maui! Bet you had a blast.
Just look at the reason DeSousa is riding the pine and you will have your answer as to why Kan$a$ is not doing as well this year.
And, then this happened yesterday ...

Look up Lagerald’s rap sheet, other crime KU basketball during the Self era = puke city.

The DeSousa suspension is directly tied to the FBI investigation. It seems that the NCAA as an organization is starting to get the message.

Oh, and a booster at Maryland supposedly paid off DeSousa’s handler to the tune of $60k.
Turgeon is a slimeball as well.