Obviously, Site Issues again today (2/2)


Sorry for this. It's very disappointing.

The good news is that I believe I have identified a hosting company that can handle the traffic spikes we have here, as I have seen them handle such things with flying colors for a site I am very familiar with that has traffic like ours.

The bad news is that will not be able to be taken care of today.

I appreciate everyone thinking enough of this site to visit it each day, and I don't care the cost, I am going to find the right solution to these issues so we can minimize them going forward and also have a safe browsing experience at the same time.

Godaddy had taken care of the latter, but has failed on the former.
Hope you don't own a dog. The little fella could have had a tough morning.

I have already apologized to wife and daughter for my short fuse this morning. I hate that. I am slow to anger..but things like this, ppl doing what they say they can and will do and it not happening and I have no control over it at the present, that's lights me up quick.
Can't you get your money back from GoDaddy? I'm sure they were well aware of the traffic you have on this site and promised they could handle it...they obviously can't. I would ask for a full refund when you leave them!
I noticed the problem began around the time that the video highlight streaming moved to the top.

Given that the current highlights are largely the enemy hitting 3-pointers or dunking on the Hawks, can we do without the highlights feature for awhile?
The ads keep this a free site. The problem is with the hosting company.

True, however if Jon doesn't find a hosting company capable of handling his traffic it won't be a free site for long as advertisers will get ****** that the site is always down and their dollars spent on ads is doing no good when the site is down and they won't advertise here anymore.
Ever since the Digital sports venture and the new ads, this thing has run so slow it makes it hard to even stick around. I love the site, but can't wait 3-5 mintues for a page to load, that's just too cumbersome.
If this site wasn't free, nobody would tolerate it. All of January the site has been messed up. It's slow, unreliable, and has obtrusive advertising. I have found myself coming here less and less over the past few weeks. I'll bet Hawkeyereport had its biggest day in years.
If this site wasn't free, nobody would tolerate it. All of January the site has been messed up. It's slow, unreliable, and has obtrusive advertising. I have found myself coming here less and less over the past few weeks. I'll bet Hawkeyereport had its biggest day in years.

nobody misses you
I too apologize as I was the one who recommended and implemented the GoDaddy hosting server. We have pretty much their most powerful dedicated hosting plan. Apparently, it's not powerful enough for the demands of vbulletin.
So says the guy who can't ignore a thing I say ;)

Memo to Jon, if the problems continue, not only will you lose my page views, but it will also significantly reduce Vintage's as well!

thanks for the pub in the sig.... when you reference players and cocaine in various defaming ways you get what you deserve.

you haven't been around, and vintage is right in saying nobody misses you. did you have to get all the livestock before the storm? not as much daylight to do the daily chores, i understand.
thanks for the pub in the sig.... when you reference players and cocaine in various defaming ways you get what you deserve.

you haven't been around, and vintage is right in saying nobody misses you. did you have to get all the livestock before the storm? not as much daylight to do the daily chores, i understand.

Also, if my concerns are not addressed and I visit here less, the page views generated by pointless flame wars will also be substantially reduced! I am starting to think that I am the Neo of this place.
Also, if my concerns are not addressed and I visit here less, the page views generated by pointless flame wars will also be substantially reduced! I am starting to think that I am the Neo of this place.

I can see that. You seemed like kind of an underdog to begin with, scoffing at authority. It was easy to get behind you. But, as time went on you became pretty whiny, preachy, and hard to follow. It's to the point where it's become difficult to root for you, and I kind of wish you'd taken the blue pill so we could have avoided the hassle you've created. But hey, nice leather coat, though.
I can see that. You seemed like kind of an underdog to begin with, scoffing at authority. It was easy to get behind you. But, as time went on you became pretty whiny, preachy, and hard to follow. It's to the point where it's become difficult to root for you, and I kind of wish you'd taken the blue pill so we could have avoided the hassle you've created. But hey, nice leather coat, though.

So. Much. Win.


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