Observations- and an apology to KOK

I could have told you that. It does not matter who our OC is Kirk is in total control of the offense. We should just not even have an offensive cord. position.
I'm not sure who it's on, but execution seems to be an ongoing problem for whatever reason. You have to be able to score more than 18 against a MAC team!
I'm not really sure what you want. What I always wanted from okeefe's offenses was to utilize space. Spread out defenses. I'm not so concerned with taking more shots down field. Vandy, the receivers, and the oline need to improve but I'm not concerned about Greg Davis. We had poor execution. This was game 1 and luckily were 1-0. The fact is, we're not very talented.
I just rewatched the game and couple of thoughts.

1. N. Illinois IS a good football team and they will win quite a few games this year which will help our SOS.

I just don't know if they are. That offense was awful. They hardly tried to throw the ball at all. Maybe they'll score on awful MAC teams but if our not so good defense can shut them down then I would assume most of the MAC will too.

As far as apologizing to O'Keefe, one game with Davis at the helm doesn't really show much.
I think defensively NIU was above average. We will see better defenses in the B1G though.

Our offense underachieved. Poor execution. Play calling was more creative but the plays weren't carried out. Part of that is first game, but c'mon JVB. We need you to be a leader. Find a way to get the ball to these talented tight ends.

The offensive line got a wake up call.....but they will be better.

Maybe Vandy is overthinking. He has put a lot of work into learning the new O and watching film. I know he has at least a couple play options called from the sideline to chose from. Perhaps he is being too cerebral about the reads and changing the play. You are not Peyton Manning. Have fun and let your talent take over.

Special teams...... They won the game. Definately an improvement.

Defense was getting overrun early, but adjusted and improved by games end. There is still a lot of poor tackling though.
The NIU defense is a good defense. Not B1G good but a solid though slightly undersized defense. That said....They still gave the offensive line a lot of trouble. Iowa's receiving corps and JVB look much the same as last year. They work between the twenties but get cold feet in the red zone. KMM and Davis are average receivers. JVB has the tools but I have yet to see him take over a game. His playing style is very conservative. Nice stats but he doesn't take over and win the game.

The highlight of the offense, was at running back. Damon Bullock is going to be a solid performer. He was a nice surprise.

The defense was shaky, but they didn't play as bad a game as last year in Ames. That was the worst performance I have ever seen by a Iowa defense. Against NIU the defense was better at the end of the game than they were in the beginning. So there is hope. I think this defense will be better than last year's D. Marginally better.

Special team play was solid. Period.
3,000 yards. 25 TDs. 7 INTs.Man, some of these threads are going to be fun to bump later in the year.
Nice stats. What was our record last season, and how did that stellar QB perform in the 4th quarter with the game on the line in games not involving Pitt?Ouch.

i believe our record was similar to ricky stanzi's senior yr record.

remember run blocking always seems to come together quicker as more communication is needed for pass protection. our line is very talented but inexperienced...given time they will give jvb time and he has shown he can put up numbers.
1) Damon Bullock
2) Iowa Defense
3) Special teams

1) O Line
2) Vandy
3) Wide receivers

All in all....I'll take the W and lets look for a good game next week.
1) Damon Bullock
2) Iowa Defense
3) Special teams

1) O Line
2) Vandy
3) Wide receivers

All in all....I'll take the W and lets look for a good game next week.
I agree with this. This is also why I am a little more optimistic for the season than I was yesterday morning. The three positives you listed are the very three things I was concerned about going into yesterday. The three neagatives will work themselves out. Too much talent there. I don't think any of us should underestimate the complexity of a new offense.
A few observations (or rather, opinions)-a number of mistakes that should be "coached out=". At times a very undisciplined team. For example, the entire D overpursuing in a bunch on that play early in the 1st half. Looked like a 3rd grade soccer team. Contain busted...a lot.-Don't continue to tell me how good our linebackers are. They're not. Most of those runs up the middle..and QB scrambles fall right at the feet of the linebackers. Lousy pursuit, bad angles, missed reads.-I think we all owe Ken O'Keefe an apology. We now know it was the head man. Some of the inexplicable play calling that killed drives...was eerily familiar. And the running plays into the short side of the field that almost never yield a gain... still there. So perhaps it wasn't Ken after all. -I haven't seen so many runs between the tackles since Michigan-OSU circa 1973.-I think we saw the Defensive line begin to find itself. Let's hope so. -KFz will see his support continue to fade if this continues. The predictable patterns..the flat feet against aggressive offenses...and the absolute refusal to play AGGRESIVE. A guy that gets this kind of money and this kind of support from the fans (40,000 at a road game!) needs to deliver more.It's said that teams improve the most between game 1 and game 2. This team had better, or we're gonna lose by 20.

Shut up. that is all
We won against a very good team with an excellent, speedy defense. We won after trailing by 8 pts in the 4th qtr. I'm proud of this team.

Hang in there; we'll get better

The team will have to get better because they couldn't get any worse than they were the first half.
I just don't know if they are. That offense was awful. They hardly tried to throw the ball at all. Maybe they'll score on awful MAC teams but if our not so good defense can shut them down then I would assume most of the MAC will too.

As far as apologizing to O'Keefe, one game with Davis at the helm doesn't really show much.

I will apologize to KOK the same day that I go to vote for Obama. In other words NEVER.
I was very unimpressed by the passing game today, but, they had an experienced defense, and an experienced defense is usually ahead of the offense, especially an inexerienced offense ini a new system, early in the year. I am not ready to abandon all hope just yet.

Why does everyone keep saying that NIU is a good defense. They will give up 40+ pts/game just like last year against crap teams. They lost to Central Michigan and gave up 60 to Toledo last year. Iowa should be able to score 34 easy against a MAC team. The offense, mainly the line and JVB were manhandled by a very middle of the road defense.
I was very unimpressed by the passing game today, but, they had an experienced defense, and an experienced defense is usually ahead of the offense, especially an inexerienced offense ini a new system, early in the year. I am not ready to abandon all hope just yet.
Why does ev
eryone keep saying that NIU is a good defense. They will give up 40 pts/game just like last year against crap teams. They lost to Central Michigan and gave up 60 to Toledo last year. Iowa should be able to score 34 easy against a MAC team. The offense, mainly the line and JVB
were manhandled by a very middle
of the road defense.

Why would you think this? You apparently have no respect for maturity, seasoned growth, and returning players vs an inexperienced, young team withnew coordinators and schemes.

Iowa left a lot of room for improvement...o-lines take a few games to gel even with national talent, and playbooks and coaching styles take time to respond to. Iowa is very young and were a zipped pass or two from putting at least 8 more points up. NIU's defense will be much improved over last years and the points against by years end should prove it. You might want to rethink your rational reasoning.
Why does everyone keep saying that NIU is a good defense. They will give up 40+ pts/game just like last year against crap teams. They lost to Central Michigan and gave up 60 to Toledo last year. Iowa should be able to score 34 easy against a MAC team. The offense, mainly the line and JVB were manhandled by a very middle of the road defense.

Northern Illinois had a very young defense last year and they improved exponentially at the end of the season. Their last five games they gave up 14, 38, 12, 20, and 20 points. The last two games were against pretty good competition, and they held an explosive Arkansas State offense to 20 points in their bowl game. They don't have an all-world defense by any means, but this year's D is/will be well above average.
Why does everyone keep saying that NIU is a good defense. They will give up 40+ pts/game just like last year against crap teams. They lost to Central Michigan and gave up 60 to Toledo last year. Iowa should be able to score 34 easy against a MAC team. The offense, mainly the line and JVB were manhandled by a very middle of the road defense.

We will have to see what they do in the MAC the rest of the year. As another posted stated, they were playing much better in the latter half of the year, and everyone was coming back. In addition, which should not be overlooked, is that they got Clark back at LB. Think about 8 guys coming back then you get your All-MAC Defensive MVP. Did you notice Clark yesterday? That dude is only 220, but he was freaking everywhere and made plays all over the field. Adding a player like that elevates the rest of the defense...in addition to the natural progression guys make as they get more experience. Clark had no issues staying with CJ, Bullock, or anyone we threw in there.

You know what...Iowa should have put up 30 yesterday...they just couldn't make up their mind on what to do in the red zone. We were there 6-7 times yesterday...and got 18 points.
I just rewatched the game and couple of thoughts. 1. N. Illinois IS a good football team and they will win quite a few games this year which will help our SOS.2. Was nice to see the offense move the ball (and they had some great flashes of "smoothness="). The problem was, most of it was between the 20's.3. JVB better figure out blitzes. Reminded me of JC at times.4. Bullock looked great. If he keeps it up, we'll be looking at a nice run package. Especially if Garmon comes along more.5. Props to Weinke. Guy switches to punter to help out the team and look what he does . . . basically wins the game on special teams with Castillo pinning them deep.6. Our D line has a ways to go. Mobile QB's continue to give our D fits (see Persa . . . for that matter most NW QB's for the last few years).7. What was up with Hyde? Got burned a few times.8. If we want to win games this year, we need to push the double TE sets ala New England Patriots style. There are very few defenses that can shut down CJ and Derby.

hyde never got burned...not once...cmon man

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