O-line is the problem

I think its standard reaction after a loss.

Arizona would have been beaten playing that aggressive all night had Iowa not dug themselves a huge hole...that cushion allowed AZ to keep attacking, even after getting beat a few times.

Few offensive lines in the country can block 8 or 9 with 6 or 7. And there were times where they did create that kind of pocket even against bad odds.

The circumstance that special teams put Iowa in was the reason Arizona could be aggressive; they were playing with house money

Yes the O-line didn't play to the level needed, but if you think about it we were able to put up 27 pts in a one dimensional scheme. It looks worse than it may be because ...
1-IMO we gave up on the run too early-it always takes us a while to establish the run in a game-
2- the sacks at the end of the game

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