Now is when the Fran losers disappear until next season

Weird thing was that, in addition to the two conference tournament titles you mentioned, he also got to Sunday in a third tournament (losing to OSU in 2002) and would have got to Sunday in a fourth tournament (2005) had Wisconsin's Alando Tucker not hit the winning shot at the buzzer. And he knocked Izzo out at least twice.

Something was going on there. Something about the quick turnaround or playing multiple consecutive days that somehow brought out the best in Alford's teams. I have no idea.

Past success breeds future success, and vice versa. They got lucky and won one tournament. That gave them more confidence for the next one.
Not the goal.
It was primarily directed at the posters who have called me things FAR worse than a loser.

It's a message board. I don't really care. And you shouldn't either, really. It's just a casual descriptor

Re: Fran.
He sure as hell makes me appreciate KF so much. If I ever get fed up with KF, whiich isn't very often, I just think of Fran, and I'm just so appreciative of the football program. What a beacon of success on so many levels, regardless of headscratching coaching decisions during the season.
I make it a point not to call anybody anything. Other than obvious trolls, that is. It serves no purpose and my name calling days end decades ago.
You are entitled to your opinion and your thoughts.
Re: Fran.
He sure as hell makes me appreciate KF so much. If I ever get fed up with KF, whiich isn't very often, I just think of Fran, and I'm just so appreciative of the football program. What a beacon of success on so many levels, regardless of headscratching coaching decisions during the season.

Same here. I've been critical of KF but the basketball program in general and watching Barta bumble through press conferences makes me really appreciate what Kirk brings to Iowa.

Particularly of defense. When Iowa has a TD lead in a football game, whether its in the 2nd quarter or with 2 minutes to go, you know the other team is going to have to be on point to tie it up. It doesn't mean it never happens because it does, but Iowa makes them earn it. You can actually relax somewhat when Iowa has the lead because you know their D is going to play hard.

In basketball, the Hawkeyes can give up a 10 point lead in about 90 seconds and its happened a lot. I watched Iowa build a 19 point lead against the Gophers a few years back and then promptly give up points on 17 straight possessions. You could watch basketball for 10 years and not see something like that again.

I've enjoyed this season quite a bit, but watching Iowa defend, or try to defend, or just stand there and give up wide open 3s and layups has conditioned me that I can never relax when there is time left on the clock.
Weird thing was that, in addition to the two conference tournament titles you mentioned, he also got to Sunday in a third tournament (losing to OSU in 2002) and would have got to Sunday in a fourth tournament (2005) had Wisconsin's Alando Tucker not hit the winning shot at the buzzer. And he knocked Izzo out at least twice.

Something was going on there. Something about the quick turnaround or playing multiple consecutive days that somehow brought out the best in Alford's teams. I have no idea.

Excellent point. He was more suited it seems for tournament play over regular season play. Ironic it was his tournament success at the college he coached at the year before he came to Iowa that no doubt played a HUGE factor in his hire at the time.
As with anything, it depends on the postseason.

If you finish 6th but win the Big 12 tourney, and win a game or two in the NCAA's, nobody cares.

Fred's last year, he finished 2nd. Lost in the first round to UAB.

The next year Prohm finished 5th in the Big 12. Made the Sweet 16.

Which is a better year? Does anybody care about a 2nd or 5th place finish in light of the NCAA tournament?

No and that's the point a lot of us make, why try and write this teams finish before it ends? Ya just don't know what will happen in a game with this type of parity. We get it, a lot of posters are losers and think they've lost before they even play. It's the same loser mentality that says "if it wasn't for those last second shots, Iowa would be 0-3". That's real. Some think that even when you win you lose. That's a loser mentality - don't try and drag everyone down into it with is all I ask. I am pumped for this post season of Iowa basketball.
As with anything, it depends on the postseason.

If you finish 6th but win the Big 12 tourney, and win a game or two in the NCAA's, nobody cares.

Fred's last year, he finished 2nd. Lost in the first round to UAB.

The next year Prohm finished 5th in the Big 12. Made the Sweet 16.

Which is a better year? Does anybody care about a 2nd or 5th place finish in light of the NCAA tournament?

This isn't about what is more important. This is a message board for discussing sports. If the only thing worth talking about was the most important thing, it would be pretty dead around here. There are times when Fran's post season accomplishments are discussed and there are times where his overall finish in the conference is discussed. You ask who cares about the latter? My answer is the people who being it up as a topic for Fran's body of work not being good enough.

And this also isn't about "ifs". We already know what Fran has done in the post season. When someone says that Fran's best conference finish is a four way toe for 4th and that's not good enough, why would I respond "well it would be if he would have had better post season success"?
No and that's the point a lot of us make, why try and write this teams finish before it ends? Ya just don't know what will happen in a game with this type of parity. We get it, a lot of posters are losers and think they've lost before they even play. It's the same loser mentality that says "if it wasn't for those last second shots, Iowa would be 0-3". That's real. Some think that even when you win you lose. That's a loser mentality - don't try and drag everyone down into it with is all I ask. I am pumped for this post season of Iowa basketball.
Some people follow the sport closely enough to want to post on a message board yet somehow dont understand how up and down the sport is.
While it is kind of fun harassing Fran losers repeatedly,
I won't.

I suspect most of them are coming over to the good side anyway.
We have room for you, friends. Welcome!

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