November 5

Of all of the times in the year to get married, why would people get married (especially on Iowa Football Saturdays in this state) in the fall on a Saturday? They have to be ISU fans, indifferent, or at least somewhat selfish.

Do it in the summer for crying out loud.

People get married in the fall because idiots will still show up at their wedding, even though Iowa is playing football.

That's why.
"Remember remember the 5th of November"

oh, sorry...thought this might be a thread about V for Vendetta.
I live in Michigan and after that wedding I happen to get to the bar for the final four plays. There was a table full of spartys and I was wearing my lucky Iowa wristband and my tux still. I showed it to the table, they had a chuckle and I watched the last plays with them. When Marvin caught the ball I started yelling and made a trip around the bar. I then went up to the bar after my big scene and there was one of the spartys standing there ****** grabbing another drink. The bar tender who knows me because its a spot that I have been going to for a long time. Looks at me and smiles turns to sparty and saids "What happened? Who won?"
I was on the phone with a fellow hawk fan who was in another part of the country who was in a bar that didn't have BTN! I was giving play by play toward the end of the 4th qtr. then MSU drove and scored the go ahead touchdown and we both agreed it was over and we hung up. Then I called back seconds later and said we are driving, so I continued my gary dolphin ;) calling the game. It came down to the scond to last play and boom incomplete and I started going nuts and cursing Stanzi LOL then I said oh wait :01 left! So last play "Stanzi dropping back throws the ball in the aaaawwwwwhhhhhh! I starting going nuts, threw the phone. Of course it shut off and my buddy didn't know what was goin on! I called him back and told him what had happened with what little voice I had. Then I hear him yell "we won!" and the whole bar eruppted! There was alot of hawk fans in the bar and I didn't know. It was awesome!
So I said to my friend "You know I had a football game that weekend, and it was one that I was looking forward to the most."

His response, "I dont care about football."

So then I reminded him that he does care about hunting and now he will have a anniversary during hunting season every year.

Some people are not thinkers.
So I said to my friend "You know I had a football game that weekend, and it was one that I was looking forward to the most."

His response, "I dont care about football."

So then I reminded him that he does care about hunting and now he will have a anniversary during hunting season every year.

Some people are not thinkers.

I dont know if you are married or not but the proper thing for you to do would be to plan your wedding on the opening weekend of his favorite hunting season.
I had a buddy get married in Des Moines during the Iowa/MSU game a couple years ago. This guy is an alum and season ticket holder, so why the fall was even considered is beyond me. Anyway...I was in the wedding, so had to sack up.

The reception was actually at a place w/ a sportsbar attached (AllPlay, for those in DSM) - and the reception started around the start of the Q3. As soon as dinner was served, about 85% of wedding attendees were out in the bar watching the game. They actually had to delay the 'first dance' and whatnot to allow folks to watch the game. Bride was a little steamed...but the ensuing celebration made for a pretty memorable wedding.

I have another friend getting married, in Iowa City, during Iowa/ISU this fall. Not going.
Getting married the day of Guy Fawkes night? Are these people revolutionary types by any chance?