Nothing changes but....


Well-Known Member
...Iowa's record.

Iowa is still a very poor team led by a very very poor Quarterback. Iowa is lucky enough to have a badass running back that would rather bury people than try to make a move around them. Minnesota is by far the worst team that Iowa has face so far this year and the next few weeks are going to be a telling story of how this season is going to end up.
I perdickt that Ioway will struggle MIGHTILY on teh road this saison.
In fact, it could be an 0-fer road record...just not seeing any wins away from teh Kinnick
Ya know, I would expect someone with over 6,000 posts would be somewhat intelligent rather than the person nobody likes.

Did you quote the same line twice with two separate zingers? I guess they were both so choice, it would have been unfair to everyone else to leave one out.
...Iowa's record.

Iowa is still a very poor team led by a very very poor Quarterback. Iowa is lucky enough to have a badass running back that would rather bury people than try to make a move around them. Minnesota is by far the worst team that Iowa has face so far this year and the next few weeks are going to be a telling story of how this season is going to end up.

Did you already forget who you guys played last week? CMU is far worse than the golden rodents.
It IS kind of hard to believe you only have ~6500 poasts, Ghosto. I guess I nevar really looked at your total afore.
I have like 5x as many as u, thereby neatly proving the "quality beats quantity" theorem.
Did you already forget who you guys played last week? CMU is far worse than the golden rodents.

Did you watch both games? I honestly don't think CMU was worse than minny. Maybe not materially better, but certainly not worse. The CMU QB was waaaaay better than Shortell.
Did you watch both games? I honestly don't think CMU was worse than minny. Maybe not materially better, but certainly not worse. The CMU QB was waaaaay better than Shortell.

Ok I will give you the CMU Qb was far better. Lets call it a push, both teams suck.
It IS kind of hard to believe you only have ~6500 poasts, Ghosto. I guess I nevar really looked at your total afore.
I have like 5x as many as u, thereby neatly proving the "quality beats quantity" theorem.

Keep in mind I have spent a grand total of 15 months under teh hammer.

Also, isn't it cute watch Sparky try and come after me? Poasting meme pictures? Child please.
...Iowa's record.

Iowa is still a very poor team led by a very very poor Quarterback. Iowa is lucky enough to have a badass running back that would rather bury people than try to make a move around them.

I agree with this part of your statement, and I'm not drunk. Rose colored glasses are thick today in hawkeyenation, this team is growing better in all area's except at the QB position. The upside for this team looks to be big but we need JVB to step it up or sit down.
The thing is I wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything with the original post. I was simply stating that even though Iowa won today they still have a long way to go with a very poor QB. Ghost just has a problem accepting it.
I'm with you, being there in person last week was a huge eye opener for me. Our biggest problem is the QB play.

How good could this offense be if our QB play was better? Our running game is solid behind what appears to be a very good young offensive line. He has had great pass protection yet he still can't get it done.

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