Normally I'd say this is where the captains need to take over....


Well-Known Member
The problem is that one of our captains is a very soft spoken, introverted individual and the other just got done blasting a keyboard commando with a very uncaptainlike "SAFO" which resulted in the entire team being banned from Twitter.

And now we've got a coach who is publicly unsure of what buttons need to be pushed to get the team back on track.

If this was some sort of mid-season slump (ala Wisconsin), then I wouldn't feel quite as negative as I do now, but we only have 3 regular season games to get this figured out before the BTT just can't have a slump like this 2 days before March and expect to recover.

All I know is that there isn't going to be a "magic formula" that's going to solve this. All of this team's problems are fundamental....sloppy ballhandling and passing, terrible defensive positioning, poor communication on both offense and defense. It's not a physical thing and it's not a talent thing. It's right between their ears.

What I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around is this.....back on Saturday, Feb 15th, we are coming off a tough, hard fought win over Penn State, which followed as thorough a butt-whipping as you're going to see a team get when we thumped Michigan. We go to Indiana and the game ends up postponed. We play Wisconsin and they come out and get wide open look after wide open look and end up shooting nearly 75% in the first half. So what the heck happened between Saturday the 15th and Saturday the 22nd that caused this? I've been following basketball for a long time and, other than the 2000-2001 season (which was the direct result of a season ending injury to our best player), I've never seen a team that turned on a dime in such a short period of time from utter success to looking completely lost.

I can't believe we may end up playing ourselves into another March Situation.
Somebody call this guy:


We need a captain!!!!!
This is a head scratcher. Did you guys notice in the player interviews Several times it was said we arnt trusting each other and we arnt communicating on Defense
In your years watching college basketball have you seen a team with this type of schedule at this time of year? I haven't. Teams that play once in two weeks will always have a hard time against teams in rhythm. Then you go on the road for two games in two days!

And for for the idiots who say it is just like the tournament, you don't have one game in two weeks leading up to the tournament and then play a game in the week of the tournament and then travel to two different sites in the second and third round.

Fran should have done all he could do to shoot for 2 and 2 during this stretch and kept his team in the right mindset. Instead, he's got everyone gripping.
Given how it worked out for those 300...not sure we want to model our team after them...Great story...but not exactly the best outcome...
At least the 300 went down with a fight. And their trash talk was more inspiring than "suck a big fat one" and "go support another team."
Yeah, but the 300 lost and they are dead. So many posters claim that a "W" is the only way to positively react to your team.
This is a head scratcher. Did you guys notice in the player interviews Several times it was said we arnt trusting each other and we arnt communicating on Defense

How can you build game chemistry when you have no idea who is playing next to you, it changes so often.
Yeah, but the 300 lost and they are dead. So many posters claim that a "W" is the only way to positively react to your team.

Yea but they kept that fight WAY closer than it should have been. That was the biggest moral victory in the history of moral victories.
Chemistry will be had when the team comes on the floor, holding hands and doing the hokey-pokey....that's what it's all about.

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