Norm Parker on Spievey & Clayborn Leaving Early


There has been talk about Clayborn and Spievey maybe ready for the NFL. In your opinion, do you think are they ready?

In my humble opinion? I think any of you guys that write that these guys are going to the NFL don’t know what you are talking about. It’s to their advantage to be a year bigger and stronger and faster and more mature. Because there is a great deal of difference between high school and college, and college and pro. And if you get there too early, you will get eaten alive. Too many guys listen to too many agents and guys that think ‘Oh you are going to be this or that.’ The only guys that will decide where they are selected are the professional teams. Those are the only guys that decide where they get drafted and when. It has nothing to do with what Mel Kiper says, or the New York Times or anything else. It’s what does that football team say. I think before any of those guys think about turning pro, they had better get with the football teams and the people that know and find out exactly ‘where would I be drafted’. Not what some guy says or what some agent tells you because he is trying to get a dollar out of your pocket. They tell these guys all kinds of things, like they can get you drafted; they can’t do a damned thing for them. No way.

When we recruit, we are going to talk to the high school coach, to this guy or that guy, but we are going to recruit the guy we want. We are not going to get talked into by so and so said this. We want to see it on film and those guys do the same thing. There are a lot of guys out there that try to do it too early and they get lost in the shuffle. There are very few guys that can come out as juniors and make it. The guys that can do it are usually the skill guys. Percy Harvin or someone like that. But those guys, where it takes strength and power and learned things, it’s hard to do. It’s hard to do. I think they better find out exactly where they are going to be drafted before they venture out in the deep water. That water is not only deep, it’s cold.
I think that Spievey needs another year. Clayborn doesn't.

Gotta disagree with you here, GGGB. I think they both need another year, and not just 'cause it will make the Hawks stronger in '10.
I honestly think Bulaga would benefit from sticking in IC, too.
I agree with you that they should stay but if the money is there they need to strike while the iron is hot.

Im not sure how Bulaga won o lineman of the year or is a top 20 pick from what i saw this year, but i am not an expert on o-line play. just didnt seem like he passed the eyeball test on a weekly basis. If he is a top 20 pick with a $5 mil signing bonus waiting he will probably go. Unless he wants to do what Gallery did and come back, improve his stock and be a top 5 pick.

I hope they all come back but would guess AS and BB are gonzo
WOW...that was awesome...cuz til now, I thought Norm did! Thanks for opening my eyes...I thought they were staying cuz of what Jon posted!

I really can't even understand why he would say that. Sounds like he is looking out for himself more than the kids he coaches.
I'd guess Norm is looking out for the kids. It may not be what the kids want to hear and it may not be what they listen to, but Norm will be a Hawkeye as long as he wants. What these kids decide won't change that. I'd guess Norm sees some things they can get better at and believes they will be better players after another year of his coaching.

By listening to Norm and learning from him they've gotten to this point. I hope they continue to heed his advice and not listen to some money grabber who IMO will have less of kids best interests at heart. Norms got a lot a lot invested in these kids and if they excel at the next level that's a real feather in his cap. I believe he's trying to make that happen.
I'd guess Norm is looking out for the kids. It may not be what the kids want to hear and it may not be what they listen to, but Norm will be a Hawkeye as long as he wants. What these kids decide won't change that. I'd guess Norm sees some things they can get better at and believes they will be better players after another year of his coaching.

By listening to Norm and learning from him they've gotten to this point. I hope they continue to heed his advice and not listen to some money grabber who IMO will have less of kids best interests at heart. Norms got a lot a lot invested in these kids and if they excel at the next level that's a real feather in his cap. I believe he's trying to make that happen.

Norm is definitely looking out for his kids, I'm not sure how else you could interpret that article.
I think Norm has hit the nail right on the head! I agree with everything that he said. And I hope our players listen to him.
I really can't even understand why he would say that. Sounds like he is looking out for himself more than the kids he coaches.

Let's see...........who is wiser about the 'ins and outs' of the next level of football? Is it Norm Parker, who has been around the game before Amari Spievey was born, or is it Amari?

Some youngsters, including, Hawkireign, might want to listen up. Eh? :eek:
How many seniors are even ready to jump right in on an NFL team and play right away? There's not many guys in each draft that start on either side of the ball. The rookies mostly come in and play special teams and sit second string for a couple years. The exceptions are like Norm said, your adrian petersons, percy harvins, wide receivers, running backs and other skill spots or just absolute freaks will come in and start, but at a spot like cornerback and defensive end you don't see many rookies come in and play right away. So if they can get some good cash in the draft then why not go? They'll start out on the bench and playing special teams anyways why not start the learning process a year early? Hope they stay though...

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