Norm Parker appreciation thread


Well-Known Member
Great coach, great Father, very likeable man. His guys played hard for him, and they loved him.

Enjoy the time with your've earned it. And we'll always remember Jeff... a very special Hawkeye.
Had the good fortune to hear Norm speak at a few I-Club meetings in DM. He is a terrific story teller with great wit. Very enjoyable to listen to. Over the years, his defenses have brought great pleasure to me while screaming in Kinnick, quite a few away stadiums, assorted bars, and in my Hawk Room. Norm has been great for this program, and he is a stand up guy. I wish him and his family the very best in the years ahead!!!
At my part time job back in my first few years of college he used to stop in and get the 2 for 1 Copenhagen. The man was always smiling, and remembered my name!
He will go down as one of the best assistant coaches in the history of Hawkeye football. He will be missed much more than people think, ask the coaches that have worked with him or the players that have played under him, Chad Greenway has stated numerous times that he was the best coach he ever played under including his pro coaches.
Norm is responsible for the brightest 5 years in Iowa football history. There is a reason we have fell below expectations since health issues in 2005 with all the staff remaining the same.
His defenses hit hard and they played clean. He did it the right way, and he did it well. I'm glad he stayed as long as he did, and I'm glad he's leaving to enjoy his old age. I think we'd all be happy if we were able to finish our careers the way he did in the last 13 years.
Thank You.

I hope that you enjoy a long and pleasant retirement surrounded by your children, grandchildren and fond memories of your coaching career at Iowa. Your presence will certainly be missed.
Thank you Norm, you gave us "6 seconds of hell" in so many ways. You were a great teacher and a master of football discipline.
Norm is one of the last links to the old school. His experience, knowledge, and football acumen has won a lot of games and he will be missed.
Well done, Coach Parker. You epitomize what is great about being a Hawkeye and will truly be missed. Enjoy your well deserved retirement.

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