No more Johnson County I-Club breakfast?


Well-Known Member
Pat Harty ‏@PatHarty 12m12 minutes ago

Heard now from 3 different sources that the Johnson County I-Club breakfast is at risk of being discontinued. But won't say why or on record
If true and if due to lack of enthusiasm then that really signals major apathy. These I Club outings are usually promoted and hosted by the big wigs and rich diehards.
Might want to wait a minute before you crown "apathy" as the king of this announcement.

I believe Kirk is scraping this long standing Iowa tradition as per prior comments so he can "devote more time to the team." The benefits I'm sure of which we will see on the field this fall.

Look for new wrinkles such as the slow developing outside zone stretch run to the short side of the field with a fullback. Oh, wait....nevermind.
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Since when does the coach get to decide this stuff? If his boss had any courage, he'd say, "No, this is part of your job". (doing events like these is in his contract, if not specifically, certainly in general terms).

The idea that this gives Kirk "more time for the team" is complete BS. It didn't seem to be a problem for the last 40 years. I'm sure Kirk is going to find some last minute wrinkle at 7:00am Friday morning that will suddenly change the game plan. What a complete load of crap.

This is a cowardly act to avoid the heat. Ferentz and Barta have to go. Period.
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Since when does the coach get to decide this stuff? If his boss had any courage, he'd say, "No, this is part of your job". (doing events like these is in his contract, if not specifically, certainly in general terms).

The idea that this gives Kirk "more time for the team" is complete BS. It didn't seem to be a problem for the last 40 years. I'm sure Kirk is going to find some last minute wrinkle at 7:00am Friday morning that will suddenly change the game plan. What a complete load of crap.

This is a cowardly act to avoid the heat. Ferentz and Barta have to go. Period.

kirk is doing this because he is feeling upset about how he is being talked about. He is and always will be the most defensive and vindictive coach at Iowa. Fry didn't retreat like this and he had to deal with cancer on top of everything else. This is petty and targeted at the Iowa fans. No other way to spin this.
The fact it has lasted as long as it has is, to me, the mind-boggling thing.

What, exactly, do these breakfasts accomplish? Seems to me it's for people to "be cool" and say they went to a Johnson County I-Club breakfast and hung out with top-echelon folks.

It's football. If you want to "be important" every Friday at breakfast during football season, go to a place that serves breakfast to folks who live on the street, or can't feed breakfast to their families. Go help do intake at a non-profit health or legal clinic. Go mentor/tutor/spend time with a kid who either has no father/mother in his/her life or just needs that extra "push" to catch up or get ahead in school. Go mow the lawn or rake leaves for the widow down the street.

Good God, if you REALLY care about whether or not the Johnson County I-Club breakfasts continue, or worse, feel KF "owes" it, get a life. Or, at worst, stop being such a loser.
My boss always bragged about going to them. Yes, it's for them to rub shoulders & feel legitimate. So shallow in a way. But, they gave big $$, so try to make them apart of the family to keep the big $$ rolling in.

Now the major revenue is TV revenue so this has shifted a bit. Maybe a part of why they are stopping them.

When a team or coach is not doing well, what coach would want to sit in a room with a lot of people who donate large $$ and hear them beeeotch about what's happening with the team.
The fact it has lasted as long as it has is, to me, the mind-boggling thing.

What, exactly, do these breakfasts accomplish? Seems to me it's for people to "be cool" and say they went to a Johnson County I-Club breakfast and hung out with top-echelon folks.

Which is a key part of every big time program. This is why appearances are explicitly included in the Head Coach's job description. I you don't understand that...there's not point in trying to explain further.


at worst, stop being such a loser

Considering the state of Kirk's program, that is about the most ironic thing you could have written. Clearly you don't understand the term "loser". One who expects excellence is the furthest thing from it.

For the first time since either of us have been alive, Iowa State may sell more season tickets than IOWA. What in the hell does it take to open your eyes? Stop defending a guy that's been mailing it in for 5 years, and an AD that is the worst in the Big Ten. (not my opinion, look at the stats)
Considering the state of Kirk's program, that is about the most ironic thing you could have written. Clearly you don't understand the term "loser". One who expects excellence is the furthest thing from it.

For the first time since either of us have been alive, Iowa State may sell more season tickets than IOWA. What in the hell does it take to open your eyes? Stop defending a guy that's been mailing it in for 5 years, and an AD that is the worst in the Big Ten. (not my opinion, look at the stats)

I'm not defending anybody. I'm condemning a stupid, out-dated concept. It isn't about the state of the program, it's about time-wasting, do-nothing breakfasts where, in the current case, nobody enjoys hearing the coach, anyway.

For the big donors, I would imagine they have access to a little more intimate settings to meet with coach and/or AD.
Internet whiners: those who speak uncomfortable truths others don't want to hear, or can't rebut effectively. Also called "haters" or "non-fans" on occasion
It is one thing to be out on the fundraising trail for days at a time and putting in lots of time designing the new facilities but how much time does a breakfast take, right about 90 minutes to 2 hours.

And just do one breakfast or two a year, not every week. Besides KF does not give out much info.
And if that is the case, I sure won't argue with an extra practice/walk-through session. The team can probably benefit.

Aren't coaching staffs only allowed so many hours with the players per week (20 sticks out in my mind for some reason)? I doubt in the 16 years prior they've forgone 2 of those practice hours in order to have this breakfast. If they have, shame on the staff. My guess is that in years past they've done the breakfast and then done this walk-through at a different time, firming up those 20(?) hours. So I don't think this would be an extra walk-through...but one scheduled somewhat suspiciously over top of the I-Club breakfast. Smells a little funny to me, but it is what it is...

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