Btw this is a newer thing.
"In 2016, a new status could be applied to prospective student athletes, dubbed an academic redshirt. That year, the NCAA started enforcing new, stricter admissions requirements for incoming athletic freshmen. Under these new requirements, a student athlete who meets a school’s own academic admission requirements yet does not meet the NCAA requirement of a 2.3 GPA across four years, may enter school as an academic redshirt. This student can receive an athletic scholarship and practice with the team, but may not participate in competition. An academic redshirt does not lose a year of eligibility, and may later take an injury redshirt if needed. Finally, academic redshirts must complete nine academic credit hours in their first semester and may then compete in their second year, free of restrictions."
Sounds to me like this was the plan all along. Get him into the program for a year and a half before he would play.
The dude has a chance to be an absolute beast.