Nice Kirk Story


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this is legitimate or not but if it is this is a really cool story. I got this in an email from a friend of mine.

So here's a great Ferentz story for a Friday. We have a special needs lady here in Keokuk named Linda who is about 40 years old (turns 40 Sat. actually). She is a huge Keokuk Chiefs fan and Iowa Hawkeye fan; she is such a big Chiefs fan that she NEVER misses a Keokuk sporting event, whether it be JV, Frosh, Swimming, Volleyball, no matter how boring or irrelevant, you name it she is there. A few weeks ago she stopped in my office (like she randomly does at least twice a week) and had a folded up piece of paper in her hand. I asked her what it was and she said she wrote a letter to Kirk Ferentz. I asked to see it and, as you would expect, it was a broken up, kind of hard to read ramble about scattered things, such as the Iowa comeback against Pitt, and James Vandenburg (whom Linda knows from Keokuk), and James' brother Gabe who is our current QB, etc. etc. She also requested a ticket to come watch the Iowa Hawkeyes in her letter. Well I knew the letter had no chance of making it to Kirk Ferentz, so I told Linda to give me the letter and I would mail it for her. So later that day I typed up a letter on my letterhead to Coach Ferentz explaining the letter and situation, included Linda's original broken up letter, and mailed it to the Iowa Football Offices just for fun. The whole thing then totally got deleted from my radar.

Until yesterday. In the mail yesterday was a Fed Ex package from Kirk Ferentz. I ripped it open like it was Christmas Day and included inside was a hand written note to me from Coach Ferentz, a glossy picture of Coach Ferentz with a personalized note to Linda about being such a great Hawkeye fan, a nice 2011-12 Iowa Hawkeye Calendar, and lastly two tickets to the Iowa/Indiana football game as Linda had requested. On the 50 yard line no less!! I was stunned. We surprised Linda yesterday with everything and as you can imagine she was pumped. Can you imagine how many requests like this Ferentz probably gets on a daily basis? For him to take the time to respond at all is remarkable, but to do what he did for Linda is just crazy. A true class act. Remind me of this the next time I am complaining about him being too conservative or not managing the clock effectively. Forward this to any Hawk fan that needs to be reminded about how good of a coach we have. Take care

Just read this at work today... hmmm... wonder if I was copied in on your email???? lol. either way, Kirk is the man!
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I'm from keokuk and know exactly who Linda is. I haven't heard anything around town, but it wont take long to hear if it true. Linda didn't miss to much when it comes to the keokuk chiefs sporting events.
That is awesome. The biggest thing I took from that, is that there are more important things in life than football. Maybe Ferentz never wins a NC, but he is the kind of coach that does this type of thing.
No offense to you but Keokuk is a dump! Sorry for bringing that out of left field. I went there to see a Willie Elliot Whitmore concert under the bridge on the Mississippi. I did enjoy going to Lumpy's for a beer! Nice guy
There have been a number of similar Kirk stories, so I'm going to believe this one is legit. Thanks for sharing.
I wish he would spend more time working on his clock management and conservative nature.

Just kidding...a man blessed with riches giving back to his community and showing grace and kindness...a great example of why we are lucky to have him.
This is why I wouldn't trade Kirk Ferentz for any coach in the world. The man is the definition of class act. Thanks for sharing this, as I never get tired of these stories.
No offense to you but Keokuk is a dump! Sorry for bringing that out of left field. I went there to see a Willie Elliot Whitmore concert under the bridge on the Mississippi. I did enjoy going to Lumpy's for a beer! Nice guy

Thanks for adding negativity into this great story.
I'm sure it is a legit story. You write him a letter and you will get one returned, hand written, and and signed. special needs person or not. Guaranteed. Every time. don't believe me? try it.

the guy is amazing, a gem for iowa.
I seriously don't care if Iowa is in a battle for an NC. I grew up in a USC family. It's great when that team is winning, but nobody cares when they aren't winning. It is things like this that shows the difference with Iowa and win at all cost programs and why I will stay an Iowa fan.

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