Nice job, Insight Bowl, nice job


Well-Known Member
As if picking Missouri wasn't already stupid enough, now the little national audience there would have been anyway is going to be lured away by the NFL game and Michael Vick. They deserve it though for folding to Dan Beebe's threats
This whole post makes my head hurt. You do realize the NFL game wasn't scheduled for tonight, right?
They didn't have much of a choice. The Holiday Bowl picks first.

actually this is incorrect. The insight bowl forked out more money this year so that they could pick ahead of the Holiday Bowl. The insight did choose Missouri over Nebraska, as it caused an uproar in huskerland. Can't blame them because they are playing a team they already beat the snot out of this year.

There was a statement released that they took Missouri over Nebraska because they didn't want the big 12 to be overshadowed by the idea of a warm-up to next years big ten season. Kind of a load of crap if you ask me!
I think the OP was trying to say that if the insight had picked Nebraska, there would be more national interest and they wouldn't get their butt kicked as bad in ratings by the NFL had they made the choice.
actually this is incorrect. The insight bowl forked out more money this year so that they could pick ahead of the Holiday Bowl. The insight did choose Missouri over Nebraska, as it caused an uproar in huskerland. Can't blame them because they are playing a team they already beat the snot out of this year.

There was a statement released that they took Missouri over Nebraska because they didn't want the big 12 to be overshadowed by the idea of a warm-up to next years big ten season. Kind of a load of crap if you ask me!

If that's true, then the Insight committee is just stupid.
Your whole argument is that the nation watching Iowa play football will be good for Iowa... I'm not sure thats the case, and remember I have a smart phone here.
As if picking Missouri wasn't already stupid enough, now the little national audience there would have been anyway is going to be lured away by the NFL game and Michael Vick. They deserve it though for folding to Dan Beebe's threats

Because the people who run the Insight Bowl could have foreseen the NFL playing the first Tuesday game since the 1940's on the same night?
Darn the luck. The dumb Insight Bowl should have known that a massive winter blizzard was going to hit the East Coast and dump two feet of snow, thus making it necessary to re-schedule the NFL game for tonight. They obviously didn't look at the farmer's almanac. This is perhaps one of the dumbest threads ever!!!

Or maybe another way to look at it? The NFL is punishing the Insight Bowl for not picking Nebraska by re-scheduling a game to be held on Tuesday night for the first time in 64 years. Those snakes!!!
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Some people are literally too stupid to respond to, therefore I will dumb down what I said to the point that requires the lowest amount of literacy and IQ to comprehend so you don't get your panties in a bunch because "LOL YEAH THE INSIGHT KNEW THT THERE WAS GUN 2 BE A BLIZZARD U R STUPID GODGODGODBATHIA MY BRAIN CELLS ARE DEAD NOW HAHA".

The Insight Bowl came before the Holiday Bowl in this year's selection order as they paid a higher price to gain that slot. They essentially had two choices to play in the game against Iowa: Missouri and Nebraska. While Missouri is certainly an interesting matchup, not to mention a higher rated team, Nebraska clearly would have been the better choice. Not only do they lose out on a packed stadium due to a high number of Iowans and Nebraskans living in Arizona who would come out to the game, but they lose the national interest that an Iowa-Nebraska matchup would have. Thus, the TV ratings will already be down due to the selection of Missouri, and now that the NFL has rescheduled the NFL game to tonight to overlap the Insight Bowl, which the Insight Bowl had no prior awareness of, involvement in, role in, knowledge of, or whatever else you hooligans want to argue, the better product of the NFL, a better product due to the Insight Bowl's selection of Missouri over Nebraska, will probably draw the small national audience away from the Insight Bowl and lower ratings, hence "nice job, Insight Bowl, nice job" for picking a team over Nebraska, who would have salvaged some of the revenue lost for all of the combining factors taking interest away from this game.
Demeaning people who do not agree with you just makes you look even more foolish than you already do! But hey, it makes for good entertainment. I've got about 5 hours to spare, keep it up! You also seem to be completely disregarding the possibility that the Big 12 asked for Nebraska not to be in the Insight Bowl due to their pending move to the Big 10. That scenario has already been discussed on this board. Perhaps you missed it?
Demeaning people who do not agree with you just makes you look even more foolish than you already do! But hey, it makes for good entertainment. I've got about 5 hours to spare, keep it up!

How the hell do you disagree with the NFL game hurting the Insight Bowl even more for not taking Nebraska?
I don't disagree that it will take away from viewers who may have watched the Insight. But it was a freak of nature that caused it. You really can't do anything about it and hindsight is 20/20. Personally I don't give a shitz!
I don't disagree that it will take away from viewers who may have watched the Insight. But it was a freak of nature that caused it. You really can't do anything about it and hindsight is 20/20. Personally I don't give a shitz!

lol Then what are you even arguing for? That's the entire point of my topic.