NFL Continues to Suffer Massive Numbers of Empty Seats on Gameday

Breitbart, nice sports rag. I heard stadium attendance was up last weekend and players made it point of unity to stand for veterans during the anthem. I dont give a crap if a bunch of white fans burn their tickets this year as most will be back later. If some fans cant understand why the players are kneeling then too bad for them.
People don't want political or social causes thrown at them when they are just trying to enjoy themselves.
Or the players could respect the Anthem, and protest at a more appropriate time. ;)
You literally just said political or social causes are being thrown at them. Someone placing his or her knee on the ground is not throwing anything at anyone. If someone is so easily triggered by something as simple as putting a knee on the ground, that person might want to evaluate his or her own priorities in life.

You literally just said political or social causes are being thrown at them. Someone placing his or her knee on the ground is not throwing anything at anyone. If someone is so easily triggered by something as simple as putting a knee on the ground, that person might want to evaluate his or her own priorities in life.

I agree, people do need to evaluate their priorities in life. I can't believe some get so triggered over what upsets others in this country.

I liked what the Ohio St. players did when they were in Kinnick. They took a knee after warmups and before the National Anthem. Then then stood for the Anthem and showed respect for all of those who have given their lives (both figuratively and literally) in service of this country. Showing respect is a foreign concept in political/social causes these days. Shock and awe is the name of the game.
You literally just said political or social causes are being thrown at them. Someone placing his or her knee on the ground is not throwing anything at anyone. If someone is so easily triggered by something as simple as putting a knee on the ground, that person might want to evaluate his or her own priorities in life.

Sometimes you have poignant things to say but in this case you are dead wrong. I don't mind the anthem being protested. Everyone has that right. Just as everyone has the right to revere the anthem.

The NFL player protestation of the national anthem is a BLM protest. Protestors aren't interested in racial equality or better treatment from the police. They want payback.

See, the protestors only want better treatment from the police and racial equality if it can be achieved their way. If the BLM/NFL protestors were actually interested in equality or better treatment for African-Americans, they would've, for example, been amenable to the African-American culture changing or maybe getting better role models for the culture. Since they are more interested in getting things done their way, achieving racial equality and better treatment from the police is secondary.
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Sometimes you have poignant things to say but in this case you are dead wrong. I don't mind the anthem being protested. Everyone has that right. Just as everyone has the right to revere the anthem.

The NFL player protestation of the national anthem is a BLM protest. Protestors aren't interested in racial equality or better treatment from the police. They want payback.

See, the protestors only want better treatment from the police and racial equality if it can be achieved their way. If the BLM/NFL protestors were actually interested in equality or better treatment for African-Americans, they would've, for example, been amenable to the African-American culture changing or maybe getting better role models for the culture. Since they are more interested in getting things done their way, achieving racial equality and better treatment from the police is secondary.
Speaking of dead wrong ^^ Wow!
I generally hate politics and political issues, but I like sports, and since sports have now become politicized, guess I'll offer my two cents.

I don't deny anyone their right to a peaceful protest, but if it's "not about the flag" then why specifically does it HAVE to be done DURING the National Anthem and at absolutely NO other time? Surely there are other less-divisive ways to make a statement, yes? It's not about "not knowing why" they are protesting. It's the choice of method I take issue with.

As I've said, anyone has the right to a peaceful protest, but on the same token, I also have a right to an opinion and a free mind. I make no apology for disagreeing with the kneeling.

OK, there you have it. In short: Feel free to protest, just do it a different way. That's how I see it.
I generally hate politics and political issues, but I like sports, and since sports have now become politicized, guess I'll offer my two cents.

I don't deny anyone their right to a peaceful protest, but if it's "not about the flag" then why specifically does it HAVE to be done DURING the National Anthem and at absolutely NO other time? Surely there are other less-divisive ways to make a statement, yes? It's not about "not knowing why" they are protesting. It's the choice of method I take issue with.

As I've said, anyone has the right to a peaceful protest, but on the same token, I also have a right to an opinion and a free mind. I make no apology for disagreeing with the kneeling.

OK, there you have it. In short: Feel free to protest, just do it a different way. That's how I see it.
Yeah, do it at home on the couch like most people.
