Next Year's Rotation

Not bad, but Garza would have to play his way OUT of the lineup at this stage and if Cook thinks he has any NBA aspirations he better get used to the four and be thinking about the three. That means showing three point range and guarding opponents who can put the ball on the deck.
I just can't envision a scenario where Garza isn't starting. From what I saw of the team this year Garza was the guy that looks most likely to have a successful NBA career someday. He just kept getting better all year. He plays hard. And he plays with emotion.
The key to making that work would be getting certain players to accept, and embrace, diminished roles. This sounds like a broken record, but that's on Fran to make it work.
Well 2 players have accepted diminished roles. One is going to play football and the other is going to play at Drake.

I'm not sure how Pemsl gets any playing time next year. Our defense has to get better and he's the guy with the least upside IMO.
I just can't envision a scenario where Garza isn't starting. From what I saw of the team this year Garza was the guy that looks most likely to have a successful NBA career someday. He just kept getting better all year. He plays hard. And he plays with emotion.
FWIW Garza isn't going anywhere.I expect him to leap forward if he can improve his lateral quickness. He
can finish through physical contact and improved his free throw shooting.

I was responding to another post.
I have a tough time calling this team a tournament lock, heck I think even calling this team a bubble team is a stretch after last year. We won 4 B1G games last year, we didn’t beat a single tournament team, we got ran out of the stadium more times than I care to even count.

Tough to argue... but 2 years ago this team was competitive even when Jok was injured and then last year we obviously took a step backwards unexpectedly.

I can’t see any reason we won’t be better than last year and so we should certainly be closer to 2 years ago assuming Cook comes back.

I’ll stick with tournament team prediction with a bubble team as worst case but maybe I’m being optimistic.
Well 2 players have accepted diminished roles. One is going to play football and the other is going to play at Drake.

I'm not sure how Pemsl gets any playing time next year. Our defense has to get better and he's the guy with the least upside IMO.
I was talking about returning players and Cordell would definitely be on that list with Isiah and Maishe.
If you’re thinking a best defensive lineup I think Nunge has to be on it playing the 4.

I would say:

If you’re thinking a best defensive lineup I think Nunge has to be on it playing the 4.

I would say:


If Moss, Dailey, and Nunge can turn the corner on offensive consistency and if Baer can return to form, this will be our best lineup. If this is our best lineup, we'll definitely be a tournament team. There's a whole lotta ifs there though.
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Pemsl and Cook are probably mutually exclusive, so at his point I'd say Pemsl won't be here next year.
I'm good with what most you said. I still think Kriener has some potential. He's not great in any area but he's balanced. He can shoot, he can score inside, he can rebound, he can run the floor but I also wouldn't argue if he's not included in the rotation either and we go with 9 and have Cook play some minutes at the 5.

The one disagreement I have is Iowa being a bubble team. I believe that this is an NCAA tournament team with Cook back.

The offense was already good and it will be even better when you bring in a top 50 recruit and have guys like Moss, Cook, Nunge and Garza who will all be a year older and experienced. Not only that but you have a core group of guys with another year of playing together.

The defense was the obvious issue and although Fran certainly isn't known as a defensive guru by any means I don't think it's far fetched to believe a young team will get better with experience. It's been talked about over and over. Fran knows it, the players know it. I can't imagine how this won't be a point of emphasis so I'm hopeful we see progress and I'm hopeful that Connor's biggest contribution may be on this side of the floor.

Agree. Would love to see Kriener get more playing time, so he can develop more- 17+ mins per game! His ceiling is high, tho he needs to add weight. On our "D"- nowhere to go but up, right? Starts at the top. We are guarding too close at the guard position at the top of the zone. One fake and they are driving down the middle of the lane. Back off a step and a half. Better give a '3' opportunity, [34% ave?] than a sure lay-up.