Next year doesn't seem too bad.

This is a good recruiting class, and we're hyping our team/new recruits. 6-6 would seem reasonable, no reason to expect we do better next year. We made all these same assumptions last year.
OOOOO Big one there big shot....Jesus did you not watch this season??? Yeah 4 years in the program and this is where he is at.....

Look at the jump Stanzi made between his 4th year in the program and 5th year in the program. And then, if possible, pull your head out of your rear.
The fact is we were the youngest team overall in the Big Ten this year. Execution will improve - that's what comes with experience. Our O-line will be solid. All our skill players are back except McNutt. Canzeri will be a good one if he stays healthy. Garmon will make everyone forget McCall. TJ was blowing up at years end. Hamilton redshirted and he'll be a monster tight end too. A healthy Rogers adds to things. Solid JV QB coming in and the redshirts off Rudock. If Vandy flounders we have options. He may lose the job to Rudock anyway - the kids that talented. Young D was getting good - they'll be solid next year with some young studs coming in to fill in along the line. Kickers returning too & a star kicker coming in. The playbook opens up when the offensive execution improves. We'll be 5-0 to start the year. We historically rarely lose at home and never to weak opponents. It'll be payback time for a few of those teams. We have more young talent, athleticism and speed on the roster than we've ever had. If you can't be optimistic about the Hawks next year, forget koolaid, someone's been peeing in your milk...maybe you ought not to drink ****.
He has been in the program for 4 years this past season not really sure how he can improve? The kid has an arm and that is about it....It needs to be completly opened up this spring at QB with Rudock and the JUCO transfer coming in...

Yeah Stanzi didn't improve at all between his Jr/Sr year either....
Pretty much every year I look at the preseason schedule and think wow that is easy, we should be 5-0 no problem. If there is one thing I know about the Hawkeyes, it is that they ALWAYS lose to an inferior team before Big 10 play starts and then they typically lose to 1 or 2 more inferior teams during Big 10 play.

Don't forget we will still have Ken O'Keefe next year and JVB will still have to play road games.
Pretty much every year I look at the preseason schedule and think wow that is easy, we should be 5-0 no problem. If there is one thing I know about the Hawkeyes, it is that they ALWAYS lose to an inferior team before Big 10 play starts and then they typically lose to 1 or 2 more inferior teams during Big 10 play.

Don't forget we will still have Ken O'Keefe next year and JVB will still have to play road games.

That's football.
.500 or worse next year with the Defense we are going to put on the field. That coupled with the fact that our offense, despite having playmakers this year, was terrible, does not give me much hope for next year.

The past 2 years in IC have been some of the worst coaching performances in moder history given the talent level. I see no reason for that to change. Next year's team from a talent level will be WAY under the past 2 seasons. Thus, I don't see many wins, despite how easy the schedule looks. It would not shock me if we lost to NIU.
Are you f'ing kidding me? Jesus, when did idiots take this place over. Not really sure how he can improve? I'm not sure how you could be stupider.
Although I think it is likely he will improve, I think you are being a little harsh here. There are plenty of examples of QBs who just never show much improvement and in fact some regress. Jake C, for example.
Seriously guys. 5-0 should be expected at this juncture, even with all the turnover we have. One neutral site game against a MAC team that was decent this year but losing a lot next year, then four home games in a row, two of them trophy games. Our defense the first half of the season was pretty crappy overall, so really, I'm not sure how much worse it could get next year the first few games. For example if you recall, our DLine was horrible for the ISU game. Maybe injecting some new blood in there will change the attitude up front. On top of that, the first two or three games we were fishing on the back end of the defense. It wasn't until the last quarter of the Pitt game that we got all our aces in place in the backfield and moved Hyde back to where he belonged. I really think our D will overall do better next season.

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